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MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly

Volume 30… Number 41, October 8, 2024


In This Issue:

Mark Your Calendar:

Job Opportunities:



Ports along the East and Gulf Coast reopened Thursday night after the International Longshoremen’s Association reached a tentative agreement on the wage portion of the master contract with employers represented by the US Maritime Alliance.

A new deadline of Jan. 15, 2025, has been set for negotiations on automation and benefits.

The strike, which lasted three days, garnered support from unions in the US and abroad.

The presidents of MM&P, AMO, SIU and MEBA expressed their solidarity with ILA members, pledging “to support the ILA to the fullest extent permitted under U.S. law and our collective bargaining agreements.”

“MM&P has a long record of solidarity with the ILA,” said MM&P President Don Marcus.

“On the docks and aboard ship, under cover of ‘automation,’ these employers are doing everything they can to reduce personnel and increase the workload for those who remain.”

“We stand together with ILA members in seeking fair compensation and sustainable terms of employment.”

When the strike began at midnight on Oct. 1, ILWU President-Elect Bobby Olvera Jr. stood beside ILA President Harold Daggett and Executive Vice President Dennis Daggett.

Jordi Aragunde, general coordinator of the ITF International Dockworkers Council, also joined the ILA in person for the start of its strike.

When the settlement was announced, President Joe Biden and Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su both issued statements underlining the fact that collective bargaining between the union and employers had been successful.

They also highlighted longshore workers’ contributions to the functioning of supply lines, America’s economy, and world trade.

“Ocean carriers have made record profits since the pandemic,” Biden said in a statement released last week.

“Executive compensation has grown in line with those profits, and profits have been returned to shareholders at record rates.”

“It’s only fair that workers—who put themselves at risk during the pandemic to keep ports open—see a meaningful increase in their wages as well.”
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The US on Friday struck multiple Houthi military sites across Yemen.

The port city of Hodeidah, the neighboring airport, and Houthi weapons and command installations near the capital of Sanaa were among the sites that were hit by a combination of military aircraft and Tomahawk missiles launched from destroyers patrolling the Red Sea.

The Associated Press reported that the targets included weapons storage facilities and missile launch sites.

“These actions were taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for US, coalition, and merchant vessels,” US Central Command said in a statement.

A large-scale Houthi attack the previous week targeted three US warships, the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS SPRUANCE and USS STOCKDALE, and the littoral combat ship USS INDIANAPOLIS.

The Houthis also attacked and damaged a Panama-flagged bulker and the Liberian-flagged crude oil tanker CORDELIA MOON.

There were no injuries reported aboard either vessel. Both were able to continue to their next scheduled port.

The UK Maritime Trade Operation, which monitors shipping in the region, numbered the attacks on the CORDELIA MOON and the bulker as the 124th and 125th incidents of 2024.

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A Coast Guard investigation has found that between January 2018 and November 2023, Gulf Coast Maritime Academy, located near Tampa, Fla., failed to provide proper instruction in all Basic Firefighting, Basic Firefighting Refresher, Basic Firefighting Revalidation, and Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping Basic Training courses.

Since these courses require live firefighting, which was not conducted at the school, they did not meet the practical requirements of their respective Coast Guard approvals.

As a result, these courses are not Coast Guard approved and certificates issued for them are invalid.

Due to numerous deficiencies identified at the school, the National Maritime Center withdrew approval letters for all courses.

For a limited time, the Coast Guard will allow mariners who took Basic Firefighting and STCW Basic Training to retain endorsements from these courses.

The NMC has begun contacting each mariner who has submitted a Basic Firefighting or STCW Basic Training course from GCMA in prior or current Merchant Mariner Credential applications.

To retain their endorsements, these mariners will be required to retake Basic Firefighting.

Alternatively, they may take a Basic Firefighting Refresher or Basic Firefighting Revalidation course.

No action will be required from mariners who took Basic Firefighting Refresher or Basic Firefighting Revalidation.

The mariners who took Basic Firefighting Refresher or Basic Firefighting Revalidation will be notified FOR AWARENESS that the courses they attended did not meet the practical requirements of the respective Coast Guard approvals.

Mariners who took Basic Firefighting or STCW Basic Training will have until Oct. 1, 2025, to comply with the above requirements.

After Oct. 1, 2025, the NMC will not process applications for these mariners until the matter is resolved.

Mariners who do not act regarding the Basic Firefighting course may be subject to additional measures to remove the endorsements that require the invalid courses.

The NMC will rely on contact information on file to notify affected mariners.

Mariners who took the courses listed between January 2018 and November 2023 should monitor their emails, phone calls, and physical mail for correspondence from the NMC regarding this matter.

Mariners and employers with questions should contact the NMC Compliance Investigations Branch at (304) 433-3466 or by email at MCFTF@uscg.mil.

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Under a measure signed into law last week by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, companies can no longer require workers to attend mandatory meetings aimed at discouraging them from joining a labor union.

The legislation makes California the largest of more than a half-dozen states to ban the tactic, which is frequently used by management in response to union organizing drives.

Captive audience meetings are used to intimidate workers and spread misinformation: employees can be fired for failing to participate in the meetings or for asking questions.

Staffers who are forced to attend captive audience meetings may fear that their jobs are at risk if they don’t adopt the employer’s point of view.

“Everyone deserves freedom from intimidation at work,” said Lorena Gonzalez, president of the California Labor Federation.

“No one should be forced to attend captive audience meetings in which their bosses threaten and coerce them out of reporting labor violations or exercising their right to join a union.”
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The MM&P Tampa Union Hall has moved. The new address is:

Masters, Mates & Pilots

829 W. MLK Jr. Blvd., Suite 248

Tampa, FL 33603

Phone: 813-247-2164

Hours: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM ET
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The SE Alaska Pilots’ Association is holding an informational webinar on Nov. 7, 2024, in advance of its March 3, 2025, entrance exam.

Minimum 1600 Master. You do not need to have Alaska experience to apply!

The webinar takes place on Nov. 7 at 0400 AKST (GMT -9).

Here is the link to register: https://tinyurl.com/mr3mxx58

You should register even if you can’t participate in the webinar: after the event closes, we will send you a link to the recording.

Topics include:

— Information about the SE Alaska Pilots’ Association

— The new format and changes to the entrance exam

— The Training Program and paths to licensure

— The type of piloting that SEAPA pilots specialize in

— The life of a SEAPA pilot

Applications are currently being accepted for the March 3, 2025, entrance exam.

To find out more, go to www.seapa.com or email seapa.exam@gmail.com.

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The NMC Customer Service Center has extended its hours of operation.

The new hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time.

The phone number is 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662).

The Customer Service Center is busiest around midday. To avoid longer wait times, consider calling early in the morning when lines are less busy.

Please remember that there are several alternatives to calling.

Live Chat is available 24/7. During regular hours, this service connects to the NMC support team quickly and efficiently. Chatbot can also help with many inquiries, providing immediate answers without the need to wait for a representative.

— Check your application status online: Save time by using the Check Your Status tool, which lets you instantly verify status without calling.

— Credential verification tool: If you need to verify the validity of your credential, use the NMC online Credential Verification Tool. This quick and easy-to-use resource provides immediate confirmation of your credential’s status.

— Send an email for status update and questions: If you are unable to reach the NMC by phone, you can also send an email to IASKNMC@uscg.mil.

To avoid delays in processing your email, please include your full name, mariner reference number, and any relevant details. (Note, processing times at the NMC vary based on the volume of emails received.)
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Duplicate merchant mariner credentials can be issued free of charge to mariners whose credentials were lost or destroyed due to Hurricane Helene.

To obtain a replacement credential on an expedited basis, send a statement of loss to the National Maritime Center by fax (304) 433-3412 or by email to IASKNMC@uscg.mil.

The statement should contain:

— Mariner’s full name

— Mariner’s date of birth

— Mariner’s reference number (MRN—if you don’t know the MRN, include the mariner’s Social Security number);

— The mailing address that the replacement credential should be sent to;

— Current phone number and/or email address that the NMC can use to contact the mariner with questions, if necessary;

— Description of the circumstances surrounding the loss/destruction of the credential.

Unless otherwise requested, any duplicate MMCs issued per the request process above will include a corresponding medical certificate, if previously issued.

The NMC will make every effort to have duplicate credentials mailed as soon as possible.

If the credential is unserviceable due to damage or a lost credential is found, it should be mailed to the NMC.

If you have questions or feedback regarding duplicate credentials, please contact the NMC via the Online Chat or Ticketing System, by emailing IASKNMC@uscg.mil, or by calling (888) IASKNMC (427-5662).
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There will be an Offshore membership meeting in the MM&P Miami/Port Everglades Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 1100.

The Miami/PEV Hall is located at:

3081 East Commercial Blvd., Suite 100

Ft Lauderdale, FL 33308

Phone: 954-946-7883

All Offshore members and applicants are encouraged to attend the meeting.
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There will be a membership meeting at the MM&P Houston Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 30, directly after the 1100 job call.

MM&P President Don Marcus, Pacific Ports Vice President Lars Turner and Gulf Ports & Government Contracts Vice President Jeremy Hope will attend the meeting and give their reports.

The Houston Hall is located at:

13850 Gulf Freeway

Suite 250

Houston, TX 77034

Phone: 281-464-9650

All Offshore members and applicants are encouraged to attend.
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There will be an Offshore Membership Meeting in the Norfolk Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 1100.

MM&P Secretary-Treasurer Don Josberger will attend the meeting and give his report.

Please contact Mark Nemergut at norfolk@bridgedeck.org for a head count.

The Norfolk Hall is located at:

Interstate Corporate Center

Building 8

6353 Center Dr., Ste. 200

Norfolk, VA 23502

The phone number is: 757-489-7406

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The Offshore Familiarization Course will be held in the MM&P Houston Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 29 and Wednesday, Oct. 30.

There is no sea-time requirement to take the course.

All Offshore applicants, potential transferees from other membership groups and other interested Offshore members are encouraged to take the course as soon as possible.

If you are interested in participating in the course, please RSVP by sending an email houston@bridgedeck.org.
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All MM&P union halls, the MM&P Plan Office, the MM&P Federal Credit Union, and MM&P headquarters will be closed on Monday, Oct. 14, for Indigenous People’s Day (Columbus Day).
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2M Urgently needed for PAX, TPIC preferred, but if any interested candidates with Tanker Assist, please throw in for the job.

MARAD ROS CM and 3M positions open. No training required.  Pensioners may work Government Contracts.

CMs, 2Ms, 3Ms Needed for LMSR’s, please email  jhope@bridgedeck.org with any questions or visit any Offshore Hall.
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There are job openings on the Great Lakes!

KEY LAKES, a division of Key Stone, has openings for Mates with Great Lakes pilotage; they may take an Open Water Mate if COI allows. The company operates a fleet of two 1000’ x 105’ ships.

GRAND RIVER NAVIGATION has an opening for a 1st Assistant Engineer.

If you want more information about Great Lakes job listings, go to https://bridgedeck.org/job-opportunities/.

Interested candidates should reach out to Thomas Bell at the MM&P Cleveland office: tbell@bridgedeck.org.
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For registration contact our Admissions Department: 866.656.5568 or admissions@mitags.org

Classes are 5-day unless otherwise noted

Class dates followed by an * are full
AB – Able Seaman (5-Day): 02/10/25

ARPA-OIC– Automated Radar Plotting Aids (4-Day): 11/04/24, 03/24/25

AZIPOD (2-Day): Contact Admissions

BRM – Bridge Resource Management (5-Day): Not currently scheduled

BRMP –Bridge Resource Management for Pilots (2-Day): Contact Admissions

BRMP-EMR –Bridge Resource Management for Pilots with Emergency Shiphandling – (Now also included in BRMP-Refresher) (3-Day): Contact Admissions

BRMP-Refresher (Now including Emergency Shiphandling for Pilots) (3-Day): Not currently scheduled

BT – Basic Safety Training (5-Day): not currently scheduled

BT-Revalidation (2-day) (Must have 1 year of sea service in last 5 years): 10/28/24

BT-Refresher (3-day): 10/28/24

CHS-OIC – Cargo Handling Basic (5-Day): 02/17/25

[CMM – Chief Mate and Master Courses]

ADVSTB-CMM – Advanced Stability (5-Day): 10/07/24, 12/09/24, 01/13/25, 03/24/25, 04/28/25

ADVWX-CMM – Advanced Meteorology (5-Day): 12/16/24, 01-06/25, 03/17/25, 06/02/25

CHS-CMM – Advanced Cargo Operations (10 Days): 10/14/24, 01/20/25

CM-OPS 1 – Chief Mate Operations (5-Day): 12/09/24, 02/10/25, 05/12/25

CM-OPS 2 Maersk – Chief Mate Operations II Maersk Specific (5-Day): 12/16/24, 02/17/25, 05/19/25

ECDIS – Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (5-Day): 11/11/24, 03/31/25

LMS – Leadership and Managerial Skills (Management Level – Formerly MCL-CMM) (5-Day): 11/18/24, 03/10/25

MPP-CMM – Marine Propulsion Plants (5-Day): 03/03/25

(DCS-1 available on request – contact Admissions)

SHMGT-CMM- Ship Management (5-Day): 10/28/24, 02/17/25

SHS-ADV-I-CMM – Advanced Shiphandling (week 1) (5-Day): 11/04/24, 12/02/24, 01/13/25, 02/03/25, 03/10/25, 04/07/25, 05/05/25,

SHS-ADV-II-CMM – Advanced Shiphandling (week 2) (5-Day): 10/07/24, 11/11/24*, 12/09/24, 01/20/25, 02/10/25, 03/07/25, 04/14/25, 05/12/25

**SHS-ADV-I & II are now approved to include SAR-CMM assessments at MITAGS**

VPEN-CMM – Voyage Planning & Electronic Navigation (5-Day): 04/28/25

WKP-CMM – Advanced Watchkeeping (5-Day): Not Currently Scheduled

WX-HW-PAC – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Pacific Ocean (2-day) – 11/16/24

CIW-DPA/IA – Continual Improvement Workshop: Designated Person Ashore & Internal Auditor (3-Day) ** This course is NOT covered by the MATES Program **

Online: Not Currently Scheduled

CIW-SMS – Continual Improvement Workshop: Successful Safety Management (2-Day) – Online: Not Currently Scheduled

CNAV-OIC– Celestial Navigation (15-Day): 05/05/25

CRISIS-COMMS – Crisis Communications (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

CRSMGT – Crisis Management and Human Behavior (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

CDMGT – Crowd Management (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

CSE – Confined Space Entry (3-Day): Not currently scheduled

CSE-AWR – Confined Space Entry Awareness (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

DDE – Great Lakes (20-Day): 01/27/25

ECDIS for Pilots (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

ERM – Engine Resource Management (5-Day): 12/09/24, 03/17/25

FF-ADV – Advanced Firefighting (4-day): Not currently scheduled

FF-BADV – Fire Fighting Combined Basic & Advanced (5-Day): Not Currently scheduled

FF-ADV-Rev (1-day) (Must have 1 year of sea service in last 5 years) – Advanced Fire Fighting Revalidation: 10/30/24

FF-ADV-REF (2-day) – Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher: Not Currently Scheduled

FSM – Fatigue, Sleep, & Medications (1-Day): Online: Not currently scheduled

GL-Pilot – Great Lakes Pilotage Familiarization (2-Day): 02/07/25

GMDSS – Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (10-Day): 01/06/25

HAZ – Hazardous Materials (5 day): 12/02/24

LAP – License Advancement Program for Mate to Master (20-Day): 10/07/24, 03/10/25

LAP-Great Lakes – License Advancement Program – Great Lakes (15-Day): 02/10/25

LAP-ORG3rd – License Advancement Program for Original 3rd Mate, Oceans, Any Gross Ton License (15-Day): 06/03/25

LEG – Legal Aspects of Pilotage (1-Day): Not Currently Scheduled

LNG-BADV – Basic and Advanced IGF Code Operations (3 Day): 10/21/24, 10/28/24, 12/16/24, 01/13/25, 03/12/25, 05/05/25, 06/04/25

LTS –Leadership and Teamworking Skills (Formerly MCL-OIC) (1-Day): 02/24/25

MEECE – Management of Electrical and Electronic Control Equipment (Assessments /not included): 12/02/24, 03/24/25

MED-PIC – Medical Person in Charge (10-Day): 12/02/24, 01/20/25, 04/07/25, 05/12/25

MED-PIC-REF– Medical Person in Charge Refresher: 11/18/24, 01/06/25, 03/03/25, 04/28/25

MED-PRO – Medical Care Provider: (5-Day): 02/03/25, 04/07/25, 05/12/25

MED-DOT-DA – Dept. of Transportation Drug & Alcohol Testing (1-Day): 11/17/24, 12/07/24, 01/11/25, 01/25/25, 03/08/25, 04/12/25, 05/03/25, 05/17/25

[MSC – Military Sealift Command Courses]

MSC-ATO-II – Military Sealift Command Anti-Terrorism Officer II (5-Day): 01/20/25

MSC-ATO-III – Military Sealift Command Anti-Terrorism Officer III (1-Day): Not Currently Scheduled

MSC-CBRD-OFF – Military Sealift Command Chemical, Biological, Radiological Defense Officer (5-Day): Not currently scheduled

MSC-CBRD-1 – Military Sealift Command Chemical, Biological, Radiological Defense Orientation (Basic) (1-Day): 10/31/24, 01/09/25, 03/13/25, 05/08/25, 06/12/25

MSC-DC – Military Sealift Command Damage Control (2-day): 11/01/24, 01/10/25, 03/14/25, 05/09/25, 06/13/25

MSC-ENVPRO (1-Day – Evening Class): 11/01/24, 01/12/25, 03/16/25, 05/11/25

MSC-FF-HELO (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

MSC-SMA – Military Sealift Command Small Arms Qualifications (4-Day): 11/04/24, 01/13/25, 02/11/25, 03/17/25, 04/15/25, 05/12/25, 06/16/25

MSC-Security Watch Basic (1-Day/ 8-hour): 11/02/24, 01/11/25, 03/15/25, 05/10/25, 06/14/25

MSC-Security Watch Advanced (1-Day): 11/03/24, 01/12/25, 02/10/25, 03/16/25, 04/14/24, 05/11/25, 06/15/25

MSC-Ship’s Reaction Force (3-Day): 11/08/24, 01/17/25, 03/31/25, 05/13/25, 06/20/25

NSAP-MMP – Navigational Skills Assessment Program-MM&P (2-Day): 12/09/24*, 12/11/24*, 01/07/25, 01/09/25

PSC – Personal Survival Craft (Lifeboatman) (5-Day): Not Currently Scheduled

PSC-REF – Personal Survival Craft Refresher (2-Day): 02/17/25

RFPNW – Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (3-day): 01/29/25

ROR-1 – Radar Observer Renewal (1-Day): Not Currently Scheduled

ROR-1N – Radar Observer Renewal Evening Classes (1-Night): Not Currently Scheduled

ROU-OIC – Radar Observer Unlimited: 10/28/24, 03/17/25

SAR – Search & Rescue – (Now with OIC and CMM assessments) (3-Day): 02/26/25

SHS-BAS-OIC – Basic Shiphandling: 03/07/25, 04/14/25

SHS-EMR5 – Emergency Shiphandling (5 Day): 10/14/24*, 12/16/24*, 01/27/25, 04/21/25, 06/23/25

STB-OIC – Ship Construction and Basic Stability: 02/10/25

TCNAV/CO – Terrestrial Navigation and Compasses (15-Day): 01/20/25

TPIC – Tankerman Person in Charge: 10/21/24, 11/11/24

TRAC-TUG-2 (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

TTT – ** NOT covered by the MATES Program **: 10/07/24

VSO – Vessel Security Officer (3-Day): 12/04/24

WKP-OIC – Watchkeeping (Operational Level) (10-Day): 01/20/25, 04/21/25

WX-OIC –Meteorology (Operational Level): 03/10/25
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2024 Fall/Winter

SCHEDULE OF COURSES – (Please also see our schedule and enroll online at www.mitags.org)

October 2024
14-18 Ship Construction and Basic Stability

21-25 Basic Cargo Handling & Stowage

21-25 Basic Training

28-29 Basic Training Revalidation

28-30 Security Officer–Vessel, Company & Facility

28-31 ARPA

30th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation

November 2024

4-8 Leadership & Managerial Skills

4-8 Medical Care Provider

11-13 Search & Rescue

18-22 Basic Training

December 2024

2-13 Advanced Cargo Operations

2-13 GMDSS

5-6 Advanced Firefighting Refresher

7-8 Basic Training Revalidation

7-9 Basic Training Refresher

9th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation

9-13 Basic Training

16-19 Advanced Firefighting
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The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly is the official electronic newsletter of the International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots, 700 Maritime Blvd., Suite B, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090-1953. Phone: 410-850-8700; Fax: 410-850-0973. All rights reserved. The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly©2023. Articles can be reprinted without prior permission if credit is given to The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly.

For subscriptions, address changes or messages to the editor, send an email to communications@bridgedeck.org.