National Crisis Line 9-8-8 or
MM&P Mental Health Committee
The MM&P Mental Health Resources Committee is open to volunteers from the membership, representatives, officials and staff from all divisions of MM&P.
The committee was formed to examine ways to help members of the MM&P family access benefits at sea and at home.
Members of the committee evaluate how the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is functioning, along with usage rates.
Other topics of discussion include:
— the viability of Psychological First Aid training or similar to create voluntary peer counselors at sea;
— destigmatizing mental health treatment;
— supporting members in case of trauma.
Recommendations are reported to the General Executive Board (GEB) and the Convention.
Video - How to Locate a Provider
Trying to find a counselor but unsure of the steps?
To view a brief instructional video please click here.