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MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly

Volume 30… Number 43, October 22, 2024


In This Issue:

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Representatives of ITF affiliate unions meeting at the federation’s 46th World Congress in Marrakesh last week renewed their pledge to uphold the federation’s core mission of improving the working conditions of the world’s transport workers.

They also honored a group of distinguished transportation union leaders with the ITF Gold Award, which recognizes individuals who have made a prolonged and meritorious contribution to the work of the federation.

MM&P Captain George A. Quick, who worked with the ITF for more than five decades, received the Gold Award posthumously.

Captain Quick was an expert maritime pilot, a brilliant legal practitioner and a passionate advocate for seafarers.

During his decades of membership in the ITF delegation to the International Maritime Organization, he contributed to the drafting of numerous instruments and resolutions that improved the lives of mariners.

A member of MM&P for over 70 years, he served as Vice President of the MM&P Pilots Membership Group for more than 40 years, after being elected by the union’s pilot members to nine consecutive four-year terms.

Receiving the Gold Award on Captain Quick’s behalf were MM&P President Don Marcus, Vice President Pacific Ports J. Lars Turner (ITF Fair Practices Committee-Steering Group Delegate), and the MM&P United Inland Group Regional Representative in San Juan (ITF Inland Sector Delegate).

Also honored with the ITF Gold Award were:

— Terri Mast of the International Boatmen’s Union, chair of the ITF Women’s Section, who was recognized for her decades of dedication to advancing women’s rights; and

— Willie Adams of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, who was honored for a career spent defending the rights of port workers.

Adams dedicated the ITF Gold Award to the longshore workers and mariners who worked through the pandemic to keep global supply chains running.

The delegates approved a resolution promoting equity for transport workers and action to improve the lives of women and promote their ascension to leadership roles.

They pledged continued emphasis on the long-running ITF campaign to fight flag-of-convenience shipping, noting the risks to individuals and maritime infrastructure of substandard vessels.

Under the banner, “We win when we unite,” the delegates set forth the organization’s collective five-year strategy to win a more just, equal and sustainable future for the world’s transport workers.

MM&P is one of the nearly 700 transport unions in 147 countries that belong to the ITF, which represents almost 20 million workers worldwide.

More details and photos from the 46th ITF World Congress will be printed in the next issue of The Master, Mate & Pilot.
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If Donald Trump is elected president, the AFL-CIO warns, the policies he implements will have a negative effect on the ability of labor unions to secure contract gains for their members.

MM&P is one of the 60 affiliates of the AFL-CIO, the voluntary, democratic labor federation that represents more than 12.5 million working Americans.

The positions Donald Trump has taken on labor issues, and the policies he advocates, could not be more different from those of Vice President Kamala Harris, the AFL-CIO wrote in the following statement, which was disseminated on Oct. 18.

“Kamala Harris stands with union members and says that America’s union workers are the best in the world,” labor federation said.

“Even before she was vice president, she stood on picket lines with us.”

“Her policies have helped increase wages, provide better benefits in union contracts, and save union members’ pensions.”

“Donald Trump, on the other hand, is pushing proposals that big corporations want, like cuts to wages, overtime pay, retirement benefits, health and safety protections, and more.”

“Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda, written by the chief counsel of Trump’s transition team and the head of Trump’s policy team at the Department of Labor, would eliminate public sector unions, make it illegal for companies to voluntarily recognize unions, allow employers to take away unions mid-contract, and more.”

“If Donald Trump takes office, we’re deeply concerned about pro-corporate policies that stack the deck in favor of corporate CEOs and make it harder to win gains in union contracts,” the federation said.

“But don’t take our word for it. Go to BetterInAUnion.org to do your own research on where each candidate stands on wages, retirement, health care and other issues of critical importance to union members.”

“And please share this information with your co-workers, friends, family, and neighbors.”

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Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro has announced that the next Navajo-class towing, salvage, and rescue (T-ATS) ship will be named USNS NARRAGANSETT, continuing the Navy’s tradition of naming towing, salvage and rescue ships after Native Americans or tribes.

The Navy has previously named three Navajo-class ships the USNS BILLY FRANK JR., the USNS SOLOMON ATKINSON, and the USNS JAMES D. FAIRBANKS.

Before contact with Europeans, the Narragansetts were a powerful Algonquian-speaking warrior tribe that occupied most of present-day Rhode Island from the Narragansett Bay in the east to the Pawcatuck River in the West.

They first encountered European explorers when Giovanni da Verrazzano visited the region and gave land to Roger Williams to establish the settlement of Providence.

Tensions with colonists led the Narragansetts to unite with other tribes during King Philip’s War (1675–1676), an armed conflict with New England colonists that supported British rule and their indigenous allies.

Afterwards, the Narragansett territory was gradually reduced to a 15,000-acre reservation. Today, there are about 2,400 members of the tribe living primarily in Rhode Island.

The Navajo-class ships will provide ocean-going tug, salvage, and rescue capabilities to support fleet operations.

These capabilities are currently provided by Powhatan-class T-ATF fleet tugs and Safeguard-class T-ARS rescue and salvage vessels.

The Navajo-class vessels will be capable of towing Navy ships and will have 6,000 square feet of deck space for embarked systems.

MM&P represents the Licensed Deck Officers, Pursers and MSOs aboard all MSC CIVMAR manned ships.
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The Coast Guard Office of Merchant Mariner Credentialing has published CG-MMC Policy Letter 04-24, Temporary Changes in Service Requirements for STCW Deck Rating Endorsements.

The STCW Able Seafarer-Deck rating is required for sailing on Military Sealift Command vessels, US government vessels, and large commercial ships, as well as some tugboats that work internationally.

The policy letter addresses the impact on the service requirements for STCW deck ratings of the temporary reduction in sea service requirements for Able Seaman enacted by Congress in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024.

The change in sea service requirements for national AB endorsements impacts the qualification process for STCW deck rating endorsements.

The reduction in the service requirements to obtain national endorsements results in a longer period of additional service to qualify for the STCW endorsements as Able Seafarer-Deck (AS-D).

The new CG-MMC policy letter, which is already in effect, allows for service toward Ratings Forming Part of the Navigational Watch (RFPNW) and AS-D to accrue concurrently.

The concurrent credit toward RFPNW and AS-D will be applied to all applications that have not reached final agency action.

The NMC will apply the new criteria without requiring a new or amended application.

(A new application will be required if the MMC has already been issued or if the application has reached final agency action.)

If you have questions or feedback, contact the Mariner Credentialing Program Policy Division at MMCPolicy@uscg.mil or (202) 372-2357.

The policy letter is posted on the Merchant Mariner Credentialing Policy Letter webpage.
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The Coast Guard Navigation Center has announced changes to the Local Notice to Mariners (LNM) and Light List, as part of its efforts to improve the accessibility, accuracy, and overall user experience for mariners. Here’s what’s changing.

Transition from Paper Charts: In January 2025, NOAA will discontinue the production of all paper charts.

In alignment with this change, the Coast Guard will transition from using NOAA Paper Chart Numbers and Editions/Dates for disseminating Marine Safety Information to using Official Waterway Names.

How You Will Access LNMs and Light Lists: The LNM and Light List data will be available in a geospatial format, which will allow you to visualize information interactively on a map/chart.

You can use your mouse wheel or the +/- buttons in the upper left portion of the screen to zoom in or out and navigate to your desired area on the map/chart.

Once the area is displayed, you can generate a PDF of the LNM or Light List for that specific area, which you can then save and/or print.

Alternatively, you can use a fillable form on the USCG website to select your waterway by name from the Light List and generate the LNM or Light List.

LNM and Light List Data Refresh Rate: LNM data will be refreshed every 15 minutes. Light List data will be refreshed every 24 hours. This will give you a much more up-to-date operating picture, designed to enhance your efficiency and improve safety in your area of transit or planned routes.

Elimination of Weekly Files: Since the focus has shifted to providing the most up-to-date and accessible format, weekly LNMs, weekly light list correction files, daily discrepancy files, and the summary of light list changes will no longer be published.

In the near future, the agency will publish an Application Programming Interface (API) to allow interested parties to access the data externally.

The modernization of MSI delivery is designed to improve the Coast Guard’s aid-to-navigation data management and dissemination capabilities.

By providing frequent updates, geospatial visualization, and digital access, the agency aims to enhance safety, improve accessibility and increase efficiency.

The transition to the modernized LNM and Light List platform (the Navigation Center website) was completed on Oct. 21.

You can access the updated Local Notice to Mariners and Light List through the NAVCEN website, with a User Guide available to assist you.

While legacy versions of these products will no longer be produced or posted after Oct. 31, previously available versions will remain accessible for download indefinitely.

Additionally, users can now generate updated LNMs in real time, with data refreshed every 15 minutes.

If you have questions or need assistance, please visit the Contact Us page, select LNMs or Light Lists from the Subject dropdown, and submit your inquiry.
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MM&P’s new Tampa Union Hall opened on Oct. 17. The address is:

Masters, Mates & Pilots

829 W. MLK Jr. Blvd., Suite 248

Tampa, FL 33603

Phone: 813-247-2164

Hours: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM ET

The hall is located in the Boohoff Law Firm Building on the second floor, to the right. It is in Room 248, in the southeast corner of the building.

Ring the doorbell to the building and you will be let in.
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There will be an Offshore membership meeting in the MM&P Miami/Port Everglades Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 1100.

The Miami/PEV Hall is located at:

3081 East Commercial Blvd., Suite 100

Ft Lauderdale, FL 33308

Phone: 954-946-7883

All Offshore members and applicants are encouraged to attend the meeting.
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There will be a membership meeting at the MM&P Houston Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 30, directly after the 1100 job call.

MM&P President Don Marcus, Pacific Ports Vice President Lars Turner and Gulf Ports & Government Contracts Vice President Jeremy Hope will attend the meeting and give their reports.

The Houston Hall is located at:

13850 Gulf Freeway

Suite 250

Houston, TX 77034

Phone: 281-464-9650

All Offshore members and applicants are encouraged to attend.
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There will be an Offshore Membership Meeting in the Norfolk Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 1100.

MM&P Secretary-Treasurer Don Josberger will attend the meeting and give his report.

Please contact Mark Nemergut at norfolk@bridgedeck.org for a head count.

The Norfolk Hall is located at:

Interstate Corporate Center

Building 8

6353 Center Dr., Ste. 200

Norfolk, VA 23502

The phone number is: 757-489-7406

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The Offshore Familiarization Course will be held in the MM&P Houston Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 29 and Wednesday, Oct. 30.

There is no sea-time requirement to take the course.

All Offshore applicants, potential transferees from other membership groups and other interested Offshore members are encouraged to take the course as soon as possible.

If you are interested in participating in the course, please RSVP by sending an email houston@bridgedeck.org.
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Master and CM needed for USNS Pililaau. Security Clearance and training required, but if missing some courses and you are interested, please contact your local Hall.

MARAD ROS CM and 3M positions open. No training required.  Pensioners may work Government Contracts.

CMs, 2Ms, 3Ms Needed for LMSR’s, please email  jhope@bridgedeck.org with any questions or visit any Offshore Hall.
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There are job openings on the Great Lakes!

KEY LAKES, a division of Key Stone, has openings for Mates with Great Lakes pilotage; they may take an Open Water Mate if COI allows. The company operates a fleet of two 1000’ x 105’ ships.

GRAND RIVER NAVIGATION has an opening for a 1st Assistant Engineer.

If you want more information about Great Lakes job listings, go to https://bridgedeck.org/job-opportunities/.

Interested candidates should reach out to Thomas Bell at the MM&P Cleveland office: tbell@bridgedeck.org.
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For registration contact our Admissions Department: 866.656.5568 or admissions@mitags.org

Classes are 5-day unless otherwise noted

Class dates followed by an * are full
AB – Able Seaman (5-Day): 02/10/25, 04/28/25

ARPA-OIC– Automated Radar Plotting Aids (4-Day): 02/03/25, 03/24/25

AZIPOD (2-Day): Contact Admissions

BRM – Bridge Resource Management (5-Day): Not currently scheduled

BRMP –Bridge Resource Management for Pilots (2-Day): Contact Admissions

BRMP-EMR –Bridge Resource Management for Pilots with Emergency Shiphandling – (Now also included in BRMP-Refresher) (3-Day): Contact Admissions

BRMP-Refresher (Now including Emergency Shiphandling for Pilots) (3-Day): Not currently scheduled

BT – Basic Safety Training (5-Day): 11/04/24, 02/03/25, 02/24/25

BT-Revalidation (2-day) (Must have 1 year of sea service in last 5 years): 10/28/24, 12/09/24, 01/20/25, 03/24/25

BT-Refresher (3-day): 01/20/25

CHS-OIC – Cargo Handling Basic (5-Day): 02/17/25

[CMM – Chief Mate and Master Courses]

ADVSTB-CMM – Advanced Stability (5-Day): 12/09/24, 01/13/25, 03/24/25, 04/28/25

ADVWX-CMM – Advanced Meteorology (5-Day): 12/16/24, 01/06/25, 03/17/25, 06/02/25

CHS-CMM – Advanced Cargo Operations (10 Days): 01/20/25

CM-OPS 1 – Chief Mate Operations (5-Day): 12/09/24, 02/10/25, 05/12/25

CM-OPS 2 Maersk – Chief Mate Operations II Maersk Specific (5-Day): 12/16/24, 02/17/25, 05/19/25

ECDIS – Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (5-Day): 11/11/24, 03/31/25

LMS – Leadership and Managerial Skills (Management Level – Formerly MCL-CMM) (5-Day): 11/18/24, 03/10/25

MPP-CMM – Marine Propulsion Plants (5-Day): 03/03/25

(DCS-1 available on request – contact Admissions)

SHMGT-CMM- Ship Management (5-Day): 02/17/25

SHS-ADV-I-CMM – Advanced Shiphandling (week 1) (5-Day): 11/04/24*, 12/02/24*, 01/13/25, 02/03/25, 03/10/25, 04/07/25, 05/05/25,

SHS-ADV-II-CMM – Advanced Shiphandling (week 2) (5-Day): 11/11/24*, 12/09/24, 01/20/25, 02/10/25, 03/07/25, 04/14/25, 05/12/25

**SHS-ADV-I & II are now approved to include SAR-CMM assessments at MITAGS**

VPEN-CMM – Voyage Planning & Electronic Navigation (5-Day): 04/28/25

WKP-CMM – Advanced Watchkeeping (5-Day): 02/24/25

WX-HW-PAC – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Pacific Ocean (2-day) – 11/16/24

CIW-DPA/IA – Continual Improvement Workshop: Designated Person Ashore & Internal Auditor (3-Day) ** This course is NOT covered by the MATES Program **

Online: 11/06/24

CIW-SMS – Continual Improvement Workshop: Successful Safety Management (2-Day) – Online: Not Currently Scheduled

CNAV-OIC– Celestial Navigation (15-Day): 05/05/25

CRISIS-COMMS – Crisis Communications (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

CRSMGT – Crisis Management and Human Behavior (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

CDMGT – Crowd Management (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

CSE – Confined Space Entry (3-Day): Not currently scheduled

CSE-AWR – Confined Space Entry Awareness (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

DDE – Great Lakes (20-Day): 01/27/25

ECDIS for Pilots (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

ERM – Engine Resource Management (5-Day): 12/09/24, 03/17/25

FF-ADV – Advanced Firefighting (4-day): 03/03/25

FF-BADV – Fire Fighting Combined Basic & Advanced (5-Day): 11/04/24, 02/03/25

FF-ADV-Rev (1-day) (Must have 1 year of sea service in last 5 years) – Advanced Fire Fighting Revalidation: 10/30/24, 12/11/24, 01/22/25, 03/26/25

FF-ADV-REF (2-day) – Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher: 01/23/25

FSM – Fatigue, Sleep, & Medications (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

Online: Not currently scheduled

GL-Pilot – Great Lakes Pilotage Familiarization (2-Day): 02/07/25

GMDSS – Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (10-Day): 01/06/25

HAZ – Hazardous Materials (5 day): 12/02/24

LAP – License Advancement Program for Mate to Master (20-Day): 03/10/25

LAP-Great Lakes – License Advancement Program – Great Lakes (15-Day): 02/10/25

LAP-ORG3rd – License Advancement Program for Original 3rd Mate, Oceans, Any Gross

Ton License (15-Day): 06/03/25

LEG – Legal Aspects of Pilotage (1-Day): Not Currently Scheduled

LNG-BADV – Basic and Advanced IGF Code Operations (3 Day): 10/28/24, 12/16/24*, 01/13/25, 03/12/25, 05/05/25, 06/04/25

LTS –Leadership and Teamworking Skills (Formerly MCL-OIC) (1-Day): 02/24/25

MEECE – Management of Electrical and Electronic Control Equipment (Assessments /not included): 12/02/24, 03/24/25

MED-PIC – Medical Person in Charge (10-Day): 12/02/24, 01/20/25, 04/07/25, 05/12/25

MED-PIC-REF– Medical Person in Charge Refresher: 11/18/24*, 01/06/25, 03/03/25, 04/28/25

MED-PRO – Medical Care Provider: (5-Day): 02/03/25, 04/07/25, 05/12/25

MED-DOT-DA – Dept. of Transportation Drug & Alcohol Testing (1-Day): 11/17/24, 12/07/24, 01/11/25, 01/25/25, 03/08/25, 04/12/25, 05/03/25, 05/17/25

[MSC – Military Sealift Command Courses]

MSC-ATO-II – Military Sealift Command Anti-Terrorism Officer II (5-Day): 01/20/25

MSC-ATO-III – Military Sealift Command Anti-Terrorism Officer III (1-Day): Not Currently Scheduled

MSC-CBRD-OFF – Military Sealift Command Chemical, Biological, Radiological Defense Officer (5-Day): Not currently scheduled

MSC-CBRD-1 – Military Sealift Command Chemical, Biological, Radiological Defense Orientation (Basic) (1-Day): 10/31/24, 01/09/25, 03/13/25, 05/08/25, 06/12/25

MSC-DC – Military Sealift Command Damage Control (2-day): 11/01/24, 01/10/25, 03/14/25, 05/09/25, 06/13/25

MSC-ENVPRO (1-Day – Evening Class): 11/01/24, 01/12/25, 03/16/25, 05/11/25

MSC-FF-HELO (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

MSC-SMA – Military Sealift Command Small Arms Qualifications (4-Day): 11/04/24, 01/13/25, 02/11/25, 03/17/25, 04/15/25, 05/12/25, 06/16/25

MSC-Security Watch Basic (1-Day/ 8-hour): 11/02/24, 01/11/25, 03/15/25, 05/10/25, 06/14/25

MSC-Security Watch Advanced (1-Day): 11/03/24, 01/12/25, 02/10/25, 03/16/25, 04/14/24, 05/11/25, 06/15/25

MSC-Ship’s Reaction Force (3-Day): 11/08/24, 01/17/25, 03/31/25, 05/13/25, 06/20/25

NSAP-MMP – Navigational Skills Assessment Program-MM&P (2-Day): 12/09/24*, 12/11/24*, 01/07/25, 01/09/25

PSC – Personal Survival Craft (Lifeboatman) (5-Day): 02/17/25

PSC-REF – Personal Survival Craft Refresher (2-Day): 01/09/2025

RFPNW – Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (3-day): 01/29/25

ROR-1 – Radar Observer Renewal (1-Day): Not Currently Scheduled

ROR-1N – Radar Observer Renewal Evening Classes (1-Night): Not Currently Scheduled

ROU-OIC – Radar Observer Unlimited: 10/28/24, 01/27/25, 03/17/25

SAR – Search & Rescue – (Now with OIC and CMM assessments) (3-Day): 02/26/25

SHS-BAS-OIC – Basic Shiphandling: 03/07/25, 04/14/25

SHS-EMR5 – Emergency Shiphandling (5 Day): 12/16/24*, 01/27/25, 04/21/25, 06/23/25

STB-OIC – Ship Construction and Basic Stability: 02/10/25

TCNAV/CO – Terrestrial Navigation and Compasses (15-Day): 01/20/25

TPIC – Tankerman Person in Charge:, 11/11/24

TRAC-TUG-2 (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

TTT – ** NOT covered by the MATES Program: Not currently scheduled

VSO – Vessel Security Officer (3-Day): 12/04/24, 02/26/25

WKP-OIC – Watchkeeping (Operational Level) (10-Day): 01/20/25, 04/21/25

WX-OIC –Meteorology (Operational Level): 03/10/25
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2024 Fall/Winter

SCHEDULE OF COURSES – (Please also see our schedule and enroll online at www.mitags.org)

October 2024
21-25 Basic Training

28-29 Basic Training Revalidation

28-30 Security Officer–Vessel, Company & Facility

28-31 ARPA

30th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation

November 2024

4-8 Leadership & Managerial Skills

4-8 Medical Care Provider

11-13 Search & Rescue

18-22 Basic Training

December 2024

2-13 Advanced Cargo Operations

2-13 GMDSS

5-6 Advanced Firefighting Refresher

7-8 Basic Training Revalidation

7-9 Basic Training Refresher

9th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation

9-13 Basic Training

16-19 Advanced Firefighting
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The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly is the official electronic newsletter of the International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots, 700 Maritime Blvd., Suite B, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090-1953. Phone: 410-850-8700; Fax: 410-850-0973. All rights reserved. The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly©2023. Articles can be reprinted without prior permission if credit is given to The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly.

For subscriptions, address changes or messages to the editor, send an email to communications@bridgedeck.org.