Volume 28… Number 18, May 3, 2022
In This Issue:
- MIRAID’s Jim Patti and the ITF’s Jacqueline Smith Named “Outstanding Friends of Seafarers”
- Seafarers Say Their Satisfaction With Job Is at an Eight-Year Low
- Belarus Jails Union Leaders Who Openly Condemned Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
Mark Your Calendar:
Job Opportunities:
Members of the maritime community gathered in New York City on April 27 to honor four people who have made a significant difference in the lives of the world’s mariners.
Among those deemed “outstanding friends of seafarers” for 2022 were C. James Patti, president of the Maritime Institute for Research and Industrial Development, and Jacqueline Smith, maritime coordinator of the International Transportation Workers’ Federation.
Smith is a former seafarer. Before going to work at the ITF, she led the 11,000-member Norwegian Seafarers’ Union.
Today her work involves ensuring that international seafarers are covered by collective agreements that are upheld and enforced.
She has been an outstanding advocate for seafarers of all nationalities during the Covid-19 pandemic and has also worked tirelessly to support national cabotage laws such as the Jones Act.
MM&P is one of the nearly 700 transport unions in 150 countries that belong to the ITF.
For the past 50 years, MIRAID President C. James Patti has played a leadership role in all major legislative efforts affecting the operation of U.S.-flag vessels and the employment of American mariners.
From the defense of the Jones Act, to the enforcement of cargo preference shipping requirements, to the funding of the Maritime Security Program, Patti has dedicated his working life to creating and maintaining jobs for U.S.-citizen mariners.
Throughout his career, he has seized every opportunity to make sure that government officials never lose sight of the critically important role that American mariners play in strengthening the economic, military and homeland security of our country.
Not only is Jim Patti president of MIRAID, the legislative office of MM&P and MM&P’s contracted employers, he is the current president of the International Propeller Club and chairman of USA Maritime, which represents U.S.-flag ocean carriers engaged in international trade.
Jim Patti gave a moving speech expressing his pride in his 5o years of service advocating for merchant mariners in Washington, D.C.
Accompanied by his wife, children and grandchildren—who filled a table at the event—Jim reflected that being together with his family is what has kept him on course and put joy in his life.
Also recognized at the event were Bethann Rooney, deputy port director at The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and Anthony Naccarato, president and chair of the American Maritime Officers Service.
Rooney, who manages all day-to-day operations of the nation’s third-largest port, has been instrumental in developing programs that allow crew no cost, easy access to shore leave.
The annual event, Setting the Course, supports port missions in Baltimore, New Haven, New Jersey/New York and Philadelphia.
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The most recent Seafarers Happiness Index shows that job satisfaction and overall happiness have both fallen to the lowest point in eight years.
Although the crew change crisis is no longer in the public eye, problems related to the pandemic continue to negatively affect the quality of life onboard.
“It’s hugely concerning to see seafarer satisfaction decline quite significantly in our latest Seafarers Happiness Index report, though unsurprising,” said Reverend Canon Andrew Wright, secretary-general of The Mission to Seafarers, which organizes the quarterly survey.
“From COVID to the Ukraine conflict and contractual concerns, global issues have massively impacted seafarer welfare and morale.”
Based on responses from more than 10,000 people, the measure of overall happiness decreased from 6.41 to 5.85 in the first quarter of 2022, with levels dropping across all categories.
The most common problem areas: working conditions, wages, living conditions (specifically food and the ability to remain fit onboard), training, the opportunity to remain in contact with family, and access to shore leave and shoreside support facilities.
The results highlight the fact that seafarers still face a maze of regulations, port restrictions, and in many cases limited or no shore leave, in particular since the Omicron variant continues to spread in numerous countries.
Even when seafarers are allowed to disembark, many facilities remain closed, leading to a lack of basic services.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is also taking a toll: Ukrainian and Russian seafarers sometimes work side by side on ships, and tensions are growing as the war drags on.
Mariners from all the countries in and around the conflict area are worried about their families.
The Mission for Seafarers notes that this type of tension has implications for “social cohesion, as well as onboard safety.”
Based on an analysis of the data, the report concludes, “There is a clear correlation between good connectivity, high-quality food, time for rest, recuperation and recreation, and the happiness levels of those on board.”
“It is important to listen to and learn from seafarers’ experiences, and to work together to find practical solutions that will improve life at sea.”
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The Belarusian KGB arrested more than a dozen union officials on April 19 after they openly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Among them are Alexandr Yarashuk and Siarhei Antusevich, who lead the Congress of Democratic Trade Unions, and Mikalaj Sharakh, president of the Free Belarusian Trade Union.
Aliaksandr Bukhvostau, president of the Free Trade Union of Metal Workers, experienced heart problems while in jail and has been transferred to a hospital.
For decades the independent trade union movement in Belarus has taken a strong stand against the dictatorial regime of Alexander Lukashenko.
Despite a severe political crackdown, union members have openly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Belarus.
Global unions, the International Labor Organization and Amnesty International have condemned the arrests.
Seven thousand union members worldwide have sent messages of protest to the government of Belarus.
The goal is to get 10,000 signatures.
Please send a message to the Belarusian government demanding the immediate release of the jailed union leaders.
We can do this. We have done it before. Help free our jailed brothers and sisters.
We talk a lot about solidarity on May Day… but the real test is what we do the day after.
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There will be a virtual meeting of the Atlantic Maritime Group from 1100 to 1300 on Wednesday, May 4.
Attendance will be limited to members in good standing.
The link to access the meeting will be distributed in the coming days.
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Urgent need for Second Mate for SLNC PAX. Tankerman PIC OR ASSIST, MSC Courses required. Job open nationwide and for early return from vacation.
Tanker Chief Mates needed with and without MSC Classes or Security Clearance.
Car carrier and Heavy Lift Chief Mates needed in the commercial fleet!
If you are interested, please contact Jeremy Hope, VP Gulf Ports and Gov’t Contracts, at JHope@bridgedeck.org.
Chesapeake Crewing has opportunities available for First Assistant Engineers. If you are interested, please contact Tom Larkin, VP Atlantic Ports, at TLarkin@bridgedeck.org.
Any Member or Applicant who already has a valid security clearance and is interested in taking the MSC courses required for Patriot Watson Class and Chesapeake Crewing vessels but does not have training eligibility to take the courses, please email Jeremy Hope, VP of Gulf Ports and Gov’t Contracts, at jhope@bridgedeck.org with the words “MSC Training” in the subject line.
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The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University is seeking a marine operations manager to be responsible for the personnel and the operation, maintenance, and safety of Columbia University’s research vessel, the RV MARCUS G. LANGSETH.
Qualifications for the position are posted at https://academic.careers.columbia.edu/#/80810
The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory seeks fundamental knowledge of the origin, evolution, and future of the natural world.
LDEO scientists study the planet from its deepest interior to the outer reaches of the atmosphere, on every continent and in every ocean, providing a rational basis for the difficult choices facing humanity.
The LDEO is the scientific research heart of the Columbia Climate School, which was founded in 2020 to develop and inspire knowledge-based solutions and educate future leaders for just and prosperous societies on a healthy planet.
The contact for the marine operations manager position is Sean Higgins, sean@ldeo.columbia.edu or 845-365-8528.
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Full COVID vaccination is mandatory for everyone attending training on campus at MITAGS East and MITAGS West.
In addition, for unvaccinated participants who have received exemptions only, MITAGS requires a negative PCR test within 72 hours of attendance and to be masked at all times while on campus unless drinking, eating, or speaking.
Contact MITAGS for information about exemptions.
Scans, photocopies, or electronic images of your Covid-19 vaccination cards (records) or certification by a medical provider are acceptable.
Additionally, face masks are required at MITAGS West, regardless of vaccination status.
We appreciate your cooperation during these very trying times.
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For registration contact our Admissions Department: 866.656.5568 or admissions@mitags.org
\\Classes are 5-day unless otherwise noted\\
Class dates followed by an * are full
AB – Able Seaman (5-Day) – 8/15/22
AIS-1 – Automatic Identifications Systems Orientation (1-Day): Not currently scheduled
ARPA-OIC (4-Day) – Automated Radar Plotting Aids: 9/27/22, 11/1/22
AZIPOD (2-Day) – 5/12/22, 9/12/22
BRM – Bridge Resource Management (5-Day): Not currently scheduled
BRMP –Bridge Resource Management for Pilots (2-Day): 4/26/22, 5/26/22, 9/20/22, 11/14/22
Online: Not currently scheduled
BRMP-EMR –Bridge Resource Management for Pilots with Emergency Shiphandling – (Now also included in BRMP-Refresher) (3-Day): 5/23/22, 9/14/22
BRMP-Refresher (Now including Emergency Shiphandling for Pilots) (3-Day) – Not currently scheduled
BT – Basic Safety Training (5-Day): 5/9/22, 9/12/22
BT-Revalidation (2-day) (Must have 1 year of sea service in last 5 years) – 6/8/22, 9/28/22, 10/19/22, 11/14/22, 12/20/22
BT-Refresher (3-day) – 9/28/22, 11/14/22, 12/19/22
CHS-OIC – Cargo Handling Basic (5-Day): 9/26/22
[CMM – Chief Mate and Master Courses]
ADVSTB-CMM – Advanced Stability (5-Day): 6/27/22, 8/15/22, 10/24/22, 12/19/22
ADVWX-CMM – Advanced Meteorology (5-Day): 6/20/22, 8/22/22, 10/17/22, 12/12/22
CHS-CMM – Advanced Cargo Operations (10 Days): 10/31/22
CM-OPS 1 – Chief Mate Operations – Week 1 (5-Day): 7/11/22, 12/5/22
CM-OPS 2 Maersk – Chief Mate Operations II Maersk Specific (5-Day): 7/18/22, 12/12/22
CM-OPS 2 APL – Chief Mate Operations II APL Specific – Not currently scheduled
ECDIS – Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (5-Day): 5/2/22, 8/1/22, 10/10/22
LMS – Leadership and Managerial Skills (Management Level – Formerly MCL-CMM) (5-Day): 8/8/22, 11/14/22
MPP-CMM – Marine Propulsion Plants (5-Day): 9/19/22
(DCS-1 available on request – contact Admissions)
SEC-APPS – Practical Defense Tactics: Not Currently Scheduled
SHMGT-CMM- Ship Management (5-Day): 9/26/22
SHS-ADV-I-CMM – Advanced Shiphandling (week 1) (5-Day): 5/16/22*, 6/6/22*, 7/25/22, 8/8/22, 9/19/22, 10/3/22, 10/17/22, 11/7/22, 12/5/22
SHS-ADV-II-CMM – Advanced Shiphandling (week 2) (5-Day): 5/23/22, 6/13/22*, 8/1/22, 8/15/22, 9/26/22, 10/10/22, 10/24/22, 11/14/22, 12/12/22
**SHS-ADV-I & II are now approved to include SAR-CMM assessments at MITAGS**
VPEN-CMM – Voyage Planning & Electronic Navigation (5-Day): 10/3/22
WKP-CMM – Advanced Watchkeeping (5-Day): Not currently scheduled
WX-HW-ATL – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Atlantic Ocean (2-day) – 6/15/22
WX-HW-IND – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Indian Ocean (2-day) – Not Currently Scheduled
WX-HW-PAC – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Pacific Ocean (2-day) – 6/13/22
CIW-DPA/IA – Continual Improvement Workshop: Designated Person Ashore & Internal Auditor (3-Day) ** This course is NOT covered by the MATES Program **
Online: Not currently scheduled
CIW-SMS – Continual Improvement Workshop: Successful Safety Management (2-Day) – Online: Not Currently Scheduled
CNAV-OIC (15-Day) – Celestial Navigation: 5/9/22, 8/15/22, 10/31/22
CRISIS-COMMS – Crisis Communications (1-Day): Not currently scheduled
CRSMGT – Crisis Management and Human Behavior (1-Day) – Not Currently Scheduled
CDMGT – Crowd Management (1-Day) – Not Currently Scheduled
CSE – Confined Space Entry (3-Day): Not Currently Scheduled
CSE-AWR – Confined Space Entry Awareness (2-Day): Not currently scheduled
CY-MAR – Cyber-Skilled Mariner (5-Day) **NOT covered by the MATES Program ** – Not currently scheduled
Cyber-MAR-ONL – Cyber Skilled Mariner, Management of Information & Systems Security (Online Seminar) **NOT covered by the MATES Program ** – Not Currently Scheduled
DDE – Great Lakes (20-Day): Not Currently Scheduled
ECDIS for Pilots (2-Day) – 5/10/22, 11/16/22
ERM – Engine Resource Management (5-Day): 8/1/22, 11/28/22
ADV-FF – Advanced Fire-Fighting (4-day) – Not currently scheduled
FF-BADV – Fire Fighting Combined Basic & Advanced (5-Day): 5/9/22, 9/12/22
FF-ADV-Rev (1-day) (Must have 1 year of sea service in last 5 years) – Advanced Fire Fighting Revalidation: 6/7/22, 9/27/22, 10/18/22, 11/16/22, 12/22/22
FF-ADV-REF (2-day) – Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher: 10/1/22, 11/12/22, 12/17/22
FSM – Fatigue, Sleep, & Medications (1-Day): 9/20/22
Online: Not currently scheduled
GL-Pilot – Great Lakes Pilotage Familiarization (2-Day): Not Currently Scheduled
GMDSS – Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (10-Day): 8/15/22
HAZ – Hazardous Materials (5 day): 5/2/22, 9/12/22, 12/12/22
IEN – Integrated Electronic Navigation (3-Day) – Not currently scheduled
LAP – License Advancement Program for Mate to Master (20-Day): 7/11/22, 10/17/22
LAP-Great Lakes – License Advancement Program – Great Lakes (15-Day): Not Currently Scheduled
LAP-ORG3rd – License Advancement Program for Original 3rd Mate, Oceans, Any Gross
Ton License (15-Day): 6/6/22
LEG – Legal Aspects of Pilotage (1-Day): 9/21/22, 11/14/22
LNG-TPIC (10-Day) – Not currently scheduled
LTS –Leadership and Teamworking Skills (Formerly MCL-OIC) (1-Day): 9/26/22
MEECE – Management of Electrical and Electronic Control Equipment (Assessments not included): 7/25/22, 12/5/22
MED-PIC – Medical Person in Charge (10-Day): 7/11/22, 10/3/22, 12/5/22
MED-PIC-REF– Medical Person in Charge Refresher: 5/23/22*, 8/1/22, 11/28/22
MED-PRO – Medical Care Provider: 7/11/22, 10/3/22
MED-DOT-DA – Dept. of Transportation Drug & Alcohol Testing (1-Day): 6/6/22, 7/16/22, 9/26/22, 10/8/22, 10/17/22, 11/17/22, 12/23/22
[MSC – Military Sealift Command Courses]
MSC-CBRD-1 – Military Sealift Command Chemical, Biological, Radiological Defense Orientation (Basic) (1-Day): 5/24/22, 6/21/22, 8/4/22, 9/14/22, 11/5/22
MSC-DC – Military Sealift Command Damage Control (2-day): 5/23/22, 6/20/22, 8/5/22, 9/16/22, 11/4/22
MSC-ENVPRO (1-Day) – 6/10/22, 11/3/22
MSC-FF-HELO (2-Day) – 6/8/22, 9/14/22
MSC-SMA – Military Sealift Command Small Arms Qualifications (4-Day): 5/16/22, 6/13/22, 7/18/22, 8/8/22, 9/19/22, 11/7/22
MSC-Security Watch Basic (1-Day/ 8-hour) – 5/14/22, 6/11/22, 8/6/22, 9/17/22, 11/4/22
MSC-Security Watch Advanced (1-Day) – 5/15/22, 6/12/22, 7/17/22, 8/7/22, 9/18/22, 11/6/22
MSC-Ship’s Reaction Force (3-Day) – 5/20/22, 6/17/22, 7/22/22, 8/12/22, 9/23/22, 11/11/22
NDMS-ENAV – Navigational Decision Making Series – Best Practice in eNav (3-Day) – Not currently scheduled
NSAP-MMP – Navigational Skills Assessment Program-MM&P (2-Day) – 5/3/22*, 5/5/22*, 6/27/22*, 6/29/22*, 7/18/22, 8/29/22, 8/31/22
PSC – Personal Survival Craft (5-Day) – Contact Admissions
PSC-REF – Personal Survival Craft Refresher (2-Day) – 10/3/22
RFPNW – Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (3-day) – Not currently scheduled
ROR-1 – Radar Observer Renewal (1-Day): Not Currently Scheduled
ROR-1N – Radar Observer Renewal Evening Classes (1-Night): 9/20/22, 9/28/22
ROU-OIC – Radar Observer Program – Unlimited: 8/29/22
SAR – Search & Rescue – (Now with OIC and CMM assessments) (3-Day): 9/7/22
SHS-BAS-OIC – Basic Shiphandling: 9/12/22, 12/5/22
SHS-EMR5 – Emergency Shiphandling (5 Day) – 6/20/22, 8/22/22, 11/28/22
STB-OIC – Ship Construction and Basic Stability: 8/8/22
TCNAV/CO – Terrestrial Navigation and Compasses (15-Day): 7/18/22
TPIC – Tankerman Person in Charge: 5/9/22, 7/11/22
TRAC-TUG-2 (2-Day): 11/16/22
TTT – ** This course is NOT covered by the MATES Program ** — Not Currently Scheduled
VPDSD – Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties (1-Day): Not Currently Scheduled
VSO – Vessel Security Officer (3-Day): 6/22/22, 9/7/22
WKP-OIC – Watchkeeping (Operational Level) (10-Day): 10/17/22
WX-OIC –Meteorology (Operational Level): 9/19/22
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2022 Spring/Summer/Fall
Schedule of Courses – Please also see our schedule and enroll online at www.mitags.org
For registration contact our admissions department: 866.656.5568 or admissions@mitags.org
May 2022
6-7 Advanced Firefighting Refresher
8-10 Basic Training Refresher
8-9 Basic Training Revalidation
10th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation
16-27 GMDSS
June 2022
1st Advanced Firefighting Revalidation
2-3 Basic Training Revalidation
6-10 Basic Training
6-10 Tankerman Person-In-Charge
23rd Advanced Firefighting Revalidation
24-25 Basic Training Revalidation
July 2022
5-8 Advanced Firefighting
11-15 Advanced Stability
11-29 Terrestrial & Coastal Navigation
18-22 Advanced Meteorology
25-29 Advanced Shiphandling I
August 2022
1-5 Radar Observer Unlimited
1-5 Medical Care Provider
1-5 Advanced Shiphandling II
8-12 Ship Construction & Basic Stability
15-19 Basic Cargo Handling & Stowage
22-26 Radar Observer Unlimited
29-2 Basic Meteorology
September 2022
6-8 Security Officer – Vessel, Company & Facility
9th Flashing Light
12-23 Watchkeeping (Operational Level)
26-30 Basic Shiphandling
October 2022
10-14 Advanced Stability
10-28 Celestial Navigation
17-21 Advanced Shiphandling I
24-28 Advanced Shiphandling II
31-4 Advanced Meteorology
November 2022
1-4 ARPA
7-10 Advanced Firefighting
7-11 Leadership & Managerial Skills
14-16 Search & Rescue
17th Leadership & Teamworking Skills
28-9 GMDSS
December 2022
12-16 Tankerman Person-In-Charge
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The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly is the official electronic newsletter of the International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots, 700 Maritime Blvd. Suite B, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090-1953. Phone: 410-850-8700; Fax: 410-850-0973. All rights reserved. The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly©2021. Articles can be reprinted without prior permission if credit is given to The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly. For subscriptions, address changes or messages to the editor or to MM&P headquarters, e-mail communications@bridgedeck.org. Back issues of The Weekly are posted on www.bridgedeck.org