Volume 28… Number 4…January 25, 2022
In This Issue:
- “The Most Pro-Union President Ever”: Labor Movement Marks One-Year Anniversary of President Biden’s Inauguration
- Military Standoff in Europe: US Puts 8,500 Troops on Heightened Alert; Russia Announces Mass Naval Drills
- A New Look for a New Year: Redesigned Website Puts MM&P Members Front and Center
- National Maritime Center Report: Top Five “Awaiting Information” Reasons for MMCs in 2021
- Patients Beware: Pop-up Covid-19 Testing Sites May Pose Risks to Your Personal Data, Your Wallet or Your Health
Also in This Issue:
Mark Your Calendar:
- COVID-19 Vaccination and Masking Required for All MITAGS Students; MITAGS West Requires Negative PCR Test If Unvaccinated
- MITAGS East Academic Notes
- MITAGS West Academic Notes
AFL-CIO affiliates marked the one-year anniversary of President Biden’s inauguration
by recognizing what his leadership has meant for union members and the country as a
“The women and men of the International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots
thank President Biden and his administration for their untiring efforts to bring common
decency, common sense and common good back to the federal government,” said
MM&P President Don Marcus.
“President Biden recognizes that the labor movement is the last bastion of working
people and democracy itself.”
“Thank you, President Biden for standing up for equality, democracy and humanity.”
AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler noted many of the significant advances that working
families have achieved during the first year of the Biden presidency. They include:
— enactment of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act—the most
significant investment in infrastructure and jobs in our nation’s history;
— passage of the American Rescue Plan to support the country’s transportation systems
and deliver immediate relief to workers affected by the pandemic;
— establishment of a pro-worker majority on the National Labor Relations Board; and
— appointment of union member Marty Walsh as secretary of labor.
AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department President Greg Regan underlined the
importance of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure law, which provides $550 billion
in new across-the-board infrastructure spending over the next five years and
reauthorizes surface transportation programs for five years.
“These investments will create and support millions of good union jobs,” Regan said,
noting that the legislation also includes many other provisions championed by labor
unions, including local hiring preferences, Buy America provisions, and prevailing wage
“In recent months, the Administration has announced more than $241 million in grants
for America’s ports, $2.89 billion for America’s airports, and $27.5 billion for America’s
bridges,” he said.
He called Biden’s first year in office “a capstone year of legislative victories for
transportation labor unions and workers.”
“Thanks to President Biden, we have the funding,” he added. “Now, let’s get to work.”
MM&P is one of the 36 transportation unions that belong to TTD.
Western nations on Tuesday continued to press for a diplomatic solution to the standoff
with Russia as the crisis over Ukraine deepened.
Moscow has deployed 100,000 troops and 1,500 tanks near Ukraine’s border, raising
fears that it plans to mount an invasion.
On Monday, the Pentagon placed thousands of US-based troops on “high alert” for
possible deployment to Eastern Europe.
A Pentagon spokesperson said no decision had been made to deploy the troops that are
now on alert.
The troop call-up builds on previous responses to Russia’s threats.
Last week, the Pentagon announced that the Truman carrier strike group would be
conducting large-scale naval exercises in the Mediterranean.
On Monday, NATO officials said the strike group was operating under alliance
command, a first for the post-Cold War period.
Moscow on Tuesday announced new military exercises involving short-range ballistic
missile units in the western part of the country.
The escalation follows an announcement by Russia last week that it will undertake
large-scale naval drills in all the regions in which it operates, including all sea areas
bordering Russian territory and “operationally important areas” on the high seas.
The deployment will include maneuvers in the Mediterranean, the North Sea, the Sea of
Okhotsk, the northeast Atlantic and the Pacific.
Russia said the mobilization will involve more than 140 warships and support vessels;
more than 60 aircraft; 1,000 units of military equipment; and about 10,000 servicemen.
NATO said Tuesday that it is dispatching additional ships and fighter jets to the region.
President Biden has been consulting continuously with European leaders as Western
nations work to forge a united allied stance against Putin.
Putting U.S.-based troops on heightened alert suggested fading hopes that Putin will
pull back from his threats to invade Ukraine.
Some of those units—which include logistics, medical, transportation, and intelligence
and surveillance support elements—could join a multinational NATO response force of
about 40,000 troops.
Other US forces already in Europe could be sent to NATO’s eastern flank: Estonia,
Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland.
Masters, Mates & Pilots rang in 2022 with an extensive overhaul of the union website,
The new site is easier to navigate, packed with compelling images and videos and
squarely focused on our members and the essential work they do.
The “member-centric” strategy underlying the site is captured in a new page,
Membership Group Highlights: it features news, photos and videos provided by
members of each of the five MM&P Membership Groups.
On the new site, you’ll find links to important resources you rely on day-to-day: MM&P
Plans, the MM&P Federal Credit Union, MITAGS, the National Maritime Center and
There are now quick-access buttons at the top of the home page for the Members Only
section of our site and the MM&P PCF.
Additional features include dedicated pages for the MM&P Women’s Caucus and
resources for Prospective Applicants.
The communications and IT departments at MM&P are continuing to develop a
comprehensive resource list for member health and wellbeing, says Donna McCormick,
who designed the new site.
Check back for updates, let us know what you think of the new site and please continue
to send your news, photos and videos to us at Communications@bridgedeck.org.
We Need Your Help To Keep The Momentum Going!
The National Maritime Center says that out of the over 50,000 applications it receives
each year for Merchant Mariner Credentials, more than 50 percent on average are
missing information.
This causes “delays in processing and frustration for mariners,” the agency notes.
To help address the situation, it has published a bulletin on the top five “awaiting
information” reasons. Many applications have multiple AI reasons.
Here are the five most common reasons for which a mariner will receive an AI letter.
— Missing training/qualification certificates: Most commonly proof of required training
is missing. The most common missing certificates are First Aid/CPR, Firefighting, and
Also, many certificates do not have the Coast Guard course approval number on them,
which is required.
Other documentation that is often missing: a copy of the TWIC, Evidence of Suitability,
Round Trip documentation, and STCW Assessments.
— Missing proof of citizenship: Passport, Alien Registration Card, or Permanent
Residence Card not provided.
— Unacceptable certificates or documents: Most commonly certificates or documents
that are out of date, unreadable, or missing signatures.
— Suspended or revoked driver’s license: If the applicant’s driver’s license is suspended
or revoked, the NMC will look at all National Driver Registry records.
— Signature and date problems: The application may be missing the mariner’s signature
or rather than the date signed, the person puts their birth date.
— Checkboxes not completed: Most common errors are missing National Driver
Registry consent, missing “best methods of contact” and missing type of credential
requested. The applicant must check these boxes.
Oath not taken or missing signatures: Section 4 of the application contains the oath and
certifications by the mariner applicant.
Section 5 must contain the applicant’s signature and the date signed. Also, for applicants
seeking their first MMC, the oath must be taken and certified by an individual
authorized to administer the oath.
Application unclear regarding which credential is sought: The documentation provided
does not match what the application says or the description of endorsements desired is
not an endorsement listed in 46 CFR. Applicants must specify what endorsements they
want to be evaluated for.
— Sea Service Letters: The employers have not signed, dated, or identified the waters
operated on. Also, applicants are commonly missing service time or do not meet the
requirements for the credential requested.
— Small Vessel Sea Service form: The form often has the incorrect addition of hours/
days, or proof of vessel ownership is not provided.
— Tankerman: Proof of Transfers/Service/Recency: Documentation does not meet the
requirements for amount of time, correct position, or dates performed.
— Rating Forming Part of an Engineering Watch (RFPEW) and Rating Forming Part of a
Navigational Watch (RFPNW) Service while in Training: Applicants missing seagoing
service that includes training and experience associated with engine room or
navigational watchkeeping functions under the supervision of an engineer officer, or, for
Navigational, a master, mate, or qualified STCW deck rating.
— Tonnage/Horsepower: Applicants are missing evidence of meeting the tonnage and
horsepower requirements needed to qualify for certain credentials.
Fees must be paid for a credential to be issued and evaluation fees must be paid for an
application to be reviewed.
Other common problems include the Military-to-Mariner fee waiver request is not
completed properly, not enough is paid, checks are improperly written or, on a business
check, there is no tax ID number.
— Missing drug screen from the application package: A drug test is required for all
transactions except endorsements, documents of continuity, duplicates, and STCW
— Incomplete documentation: Examples include missing collection date, missing
Medical Review Officer Information, or a drug test result/random drug screen
program letter that has not been signed.
— Incorrect drug screen used: The drug screen must be a Department of Transportation
five-panel drug test from a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
accredited lab.
— Drug screen too old: It must be within 6 months of the date of the application.
— Apply at least 90 days in advance. Remember, for renewals you can apply up to 8
months early with no change between your expiration and renewal dates.
— Use the Regional Exam Centers and Monitoring Units to review your application
before submission. They are available for appointments in person or over the phone.
— Use the tools and resources on the NMC website. The application acceptance checklist
and evaluator checklists are useful and important tools.
For general questions, contact the NMC Customer Service Center by emailing
IASKNMC@uscg.mil or calling 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662).
A shortage of Covid-19 tests has led to the proliferation of pop-up test providers—some
with questionable qualifications—in many urban areas.
“In recent months, mobile Covid-19 testing tents and vans have sprouted on sidewalks
and curbs as demand has skyrocketed in response to the rapid spread of the omicron
variant,” writes Michelle Andrews in an article for Kaiser Health News that was
published last week in Route 50, a newsletter for state and local government officials
“Some of the sites run by private companies offer legitimate, timely and reliable results,
but others are more like weeds,” she reports in her article.
She says some consumers in the Chicago area have encountered employees at testing
sites who aren’t wearing masks or gloves.
There have also been reports of consumers being asked to provide a credit card
number… or even their Social Security number.
Although test operators routinely ask for health insurance information, asking for credit
card numbers is not routine.
Individuals typically don’t have to pay out-of-pocket for a test because it is covered by
insurance. (Although some people are charged if the test isn’t ordered by their doctor, is
a rush service or is performed by an out-of-network provider.)
The MM&P Health and Benefit Plan does not have a list of approved providers of Covid19 testing, but it advises participants to look for known providers that have been around for a while, or to check whether their local government has a website with a list of their
approved providers.
Members of the MM&P Health & Benefit Plan should also ask if the testing provider is
part of the CIGNA OAP network.
There is another factor to keep in mind as far as safety goes.
“If I had the choice between two options while there was a surge happening, one being
completely outdoors and one indoors, I would choose the outdoor testing site,” the
Kaiser article quoted a professor of epidemiology as saying.
“And I would choose affordable home testing over both of those.”
On this note, as reported in last week’s Wheelhouse Weekly, the US is sending four free
Covid-19 tests to each residential address in the country.
Enter your name, address and email at http://www.usps.com/covidtest to request a
Amazon employees who work at a Bessemer, Ala., warehouse will soon begin voting
again on forming a union.
Ballots will be mailed Feb. 4 and vote counting will begin March 28, the National Labor
Relations Board announced last week.
The NLRB called for a new vote after finding that Amazon had improperly interfered in
the first election.
The terms of the settlement between the NLRB and the company stipulate that Amazon
must post a notice at the warehouse that reads, in part, that the previous election was
set aside “because the National Labor Relations Board found the Employer interfered
with the employees’ exercise of a free and reasoned choice by creating the appearance of
irregularity in the election procedure due to issues surrounding the installation of a
mailbox outside the main entrance and by improperly polling employees’ support
during mandatory meetings.”
NLRB Atlanta Regional Director Lisa Y. Henderson found in her investigation that the
company had “essentially highjacked the process and gave a strong impression that it
controlled the process.”
In related news, an NLRB official in Brooklyn has found merit in claims that Amazon
unlawfully fired a union supporter at a Staten Island warehouse in the midst of another
organizing campaign.
The NLRB has the power to reinstate workers who are fired for engaging in union
activities and to compensate them for lost work.
An NLRB spokesperson said the agency plans to sue a complaint against the company
unless it settles with the worker.
Atlantic Maritime Group Vice President Mike Riordan has scheduled a quarterly
membership meeting for Wednesday, Feb. 2, from 1100 to 1300.
All the Atlantic Maritime Group representatives will attend the meeting, which will be
held online.
To join the meeting, click here: https://meeting.windstream.com/j/1129634085
Additionally, please note that a joint in-person and virtual meeting of the AMG has been
scheduled for Feb. 17 to deal with ferry issues.
The in-person meeting will be held at the Ocean Yacht Club, 370 Front St., Staten
To ensure that members on both watches can participate, the meeting will be held from
0900 to 1530. Mid-day refreshments will be available.
The link to attend this meeting virtually will be posted in the near future.
Calling all Members and Applicants: Be advised that there are Offshore and PRO jobs
available now! Please visit, call or email your local union hall for details.
As an additional incentive for filling PRO work, the amount of points earned for each
eight-hour shift has been raised from two points to five points.
This change will stay in effect until the next scheduled GEB meeting, to be held on Feb.
8-9, 2022.
Full COVID vaccination is mandatory for everyone attending training on campus at
MITAGS East and MITAGS West.
In addition, from un-vaccinated participants only, MITAGS West requires a negative
PCR test within 72 hours of attendance.
MITAGS West only accepts medical and religious exemptions, not philosophical.
Documentation either of full COVID vaccination or a written claim of exemption must
be submitted to Admissions in advance of your course.
Scans, photocopies, or electronic images of your COVID-19 vaccination cards (records)
or certification by a medical provider are acceptable.
Additionally, face masks are required in all public spaces on both campuses, regardless
of vaccination status.
We appreciate your cooperation during these very trying times.
\\Classes are 5-day unless otherwise noted\\
Class dates followed by an * are full
AB – Able Seaman (5-Day) – 6/6/22, 8/15/22
AIS-1 – Automatic Identifications Systems Orientation (1-Day): Not currently scheduled
ARPA-OIC (4-Day) – Automated Radar Plotting Aids: 2/1/22, 3/15/22, 6/27/22,
9/27/22, 11/1/22
AZIPOD (2-Day) – 2/3/22, 5/12/22, 9/12/22
BRM – Bridge Resource Management (5-Day): 3/7/22
BRMP –Bridge Resource Management for Pilots (2-Day): 2/4/22, 2/28/22, 3/14/22
Online: Not currently scheduled
BRMP-EMR –Bridge Resource Management for Pilots with Emergency Shiphandling –
(Now also included in BRMP-Refresher) (3-Day): 3/16/22
BRMP-Refresher (Now including Emergency Shiphandling for Pilots) (3-Day) – Not
currently scheduled
BT – Basic Safety Training (5-Day): 1/31/22, 5/9/22, 9/12/22
BT-Revalidation (2-day) (Must have 1 year of sea service in last 5 years) – 2/22/22*,
3/22/22, 4/26/22, 6/8/22, 9/28/22, 10/19/22, 11/14/22, 12/20/22
BT-Refresher (3-day) – 2/22/22*, 4/26/22, 9/28/22, 11/14/22, 12/19/22
CHS-OIC – Cargo Handling Basic (5-Day): 3/21/22
[CMM – Chief Mate and Master Courses]
ADVSTB-CMM – Advanced Stability (5-Day): 3/21/22, 6/27/22, 8/15/22, 10/24/22,
ADVWX-CMM – Advanced Meteorology (5-Day): 4/18/22, 6/20/22, 8/22/22,
10/17/22, 12/12/22
CHS-CMM – Advanced Cargo Operations (10 Days): 3/28/22
CM-OPS 1 – Chief Mate Operations – Week 1 (5-Day): 2/28/22, 7/11/22, 12/5/22
CM-OPS 2 Maersk – Chief Mate Operations II Maersk Specific (5-Day): 3/7/22,
7/18/22, 12/12/22
CM-OPS 2 APL – Chief Mate Operations II APL Specific – Not currently scheduled
ECDIS – Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (5-Day): 1/24/22, 5/2/22,
8/1/22, 10/10/22
LMS – Leadership and Managerial Skills (Management Level – Formerly MCL-CMM)
(5-Day): 1/31/22, 4/25/22, 8/8/22, 11/14/22
MPP-CMM – Marine Propulsion Plants (5-Day): 3/14/22
(DCS-1 available on request – contact Admissions)
SEC-APPS – Practical Defense Tactics: Not Currently Scheduled
SHMGT-CMM- Ship Management (5-Day): 2/28/22
SHS-ADV-I-CMM – Advanced Shiphandling (week 1) (5-Day): 2/14/22*, 3/21/22,
4/11/22, 5/16/22, 6/6/22, 7/25/22, 8/8/22, 9/19/22, 10/3/22, 10/17/22, 11/7/22,
SHS-ADV-II-CMM – Advanced Shiphandling (week 2) (5-Day): 1/24/22, 2/21/22*,
3/28/22, 4/18/22, 5/23/22, 6/13/22, 8/1/22, 8/15/22, 9/26/22, 10/10/22, 10/24/22,
11/14/22, 12/12/22
**SHS-ADV-I & II are now approved to include SAR-CMM assessments at MITAGS**
VPEN-CMM – Voyage Planning & Electronic Navigation (5-Day): 4/11/22, 10/3/22
WKP-CMM – Advanced Watchkeeping (5-Day): 3/7/22
WX-HW-ATL – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Atlantic Ocean (2-day) – 6/15/22
WX-HW-IND – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Indian Ocean (2-day) – Not
Currently Scheduled
WX-HW-PAC – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Pacific Ocean (2-day) – 6/13/22
CIW-DPA/IA – Continual Improvement Workshop: Designated Person Ashore &
Internal Auditor (3-Day) ** This course is NOT covered by the MATES Program **
Online: Not currently scheduled
CIW-SMS – Continual Improvement Workshop: Successful Safety Management (2-Day)
– Online: Not Currently Scheduled
CNAV-OIC (15-Day) – Celestial Navigation: 5/9/22, 8/15/22, 10/31/22
CRISIS-COMMS – Crisis Communications (1-Day): 3/18/22
CRSMGT – Crisis Management and Human Behavior (1-Day) – 2/18/22
CDMGT – Crowd Management (1-Day) – 2/17/22
CSE – Confined Space Entry (3-Day): Not Currently Scheduled
CSE-AWR – Confined Space Entry Awareness (2-Day): Not currently scheduled
CY-MAR – Cyber-Skilled Mariner (5-Day) **NOT covered by the MATES Program ** –
Not currently scheduled
Cyber-MAR-ONL – Cyber Skilled Mariner, Management of Information & Systems
Security (Online Seminar) **NOT covered by the MATES Program ** – Not Currently
DDE – Great Lakes (20-Day): 2/27/22
ECDIS for Pilots (2-Day) – 3/16/22, 5/10/22, 11/16/22
ERM – Engine Resource Management (5-Day): 3/21/22, 8/1/22, 11/28/22
ADV-FF – Advanced Fire-Fighting (4-day) – 3/28/22
FF-BADV – Fire Fighting Combined Basic & Advanced (5-Day): 1/31/22, 5/9/22,
FF-ADV-Rev (1-day) (Must have 1 year of sea service in last 5 years) – Advanced Fire
Fighting Revalidation: 2/21/22, 3/24/22, 4/25/22, 6/7/22, 9/27/22, 10/18/22,
11/16/22, 12/22/22
FF-ADV-REF (2-day) – Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher: 2/25/22, 4/29/22, 10/1/22,
11/12/22, 12/17/22
FSM – Fatigue, Sleep, & Medications (1-Day): 4/26/22, 9/20/22
Online: Not currently scheduled
GL-Pilot – Great Lakes Pilotage Familiarization (2-Day): 1/21/22
GMDSS – Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (10-Day): Not Currently
HAZ – Hazardous Materials (5 day): 5/2/22, 9/12/22, 12/12/22
IEN – Integrated Electronic Navigation (3-Day) – Not currently scheduled
LAP – License Advancement Program for Mate to Master (20-Day): 3/7/22, 7/11/22,
LAP-Great Lakes – License Advancement Program – Great Lakes (15-Day): 1/24/22
LAP-ORG3rd – License Advancement Program for Original 3rd Mate, Oceans, Any Gross
Ton License (15-Day): 6/6/22
LEG – Legal Aspects of Pilotage (1-Day): 3/14/22, 9/21/22, 11/14/22
LNG-TPIC (10-Day) – Not currently scheduled
LTS –Leadership and Teamworking Skills (Formerly MCL-OIC) (1-Day): 3/14/22
MEECE – Management of Electrical and Electronic Control Equipment (Assessments
not included): Not currently scheduled
MED-PIC – Medical Person in Charge (10-Day): 4/4/22, 7/11/22, 10/3/22, 12/5/22
MED-PIC-REF– Medical Person in Charge Refresher: 5/23/22, 8/1/22, 11/28/22
MED-PRO – Medical Care Provider: 2/7/22, 4/4/22, 7/11/22, 10/3/22
MED-DOT-DA – Dept. of Transportation Drug & Alcohol Testing (1-Day): 3/25/22,
4/9/22, 6/6/22, 7/16/22, 9/36/22, 10/8/22, 10/17/22, 11/17/22, 12/23/22
[MSC – Military Sealift Command Courses]
MSC-CBRD-1 – Military Sealift Command Chemical, Biological, Radiological Defense
Orientation (Basic) (1-Day): 3/11/22, 5/24/22, 6/21/22, 8/4/22, 9/14/22, 11/5/22
MSC-DC – Military Sealift Command Damage Control (2-day): 3/12/22, 5/23/22,
6/20/22, 8/5/22, 9/16/22, 11/4/22
MSC-ENVPRO (1-Day) – 3/13/22, 6/10/22, 11/3/22
MSC-FF-HELO (2-Day) – 3/22/22, 6/8/22, 9/14/22
MSC-SMA – Military Sealift Command Small Arms Qualifications (4-Day): 3/14/22*,
5/16/22, 6/13/22, 7/18/22, 8/8/22, 9/19/22, 11/7/22
MSC-Security Watch Basic (1-Day/ 8-hour) – 3/12/22, 5/14/22, 6/11/22, 8/6/22,
9/17/22, 11/4/22
MSC-Security Watch Advanced (1-Day) – 3/18/22*, 5/15/22, 6/12/22, 7/17/22, 8/7/22,
9/18/22, 11/6/22
MSC-Ship’s Reaction Force (3-Day) – 3/19/22*, 5/20/22, 6/17/22, 7/22/22, 8/12/22,
9/23/22, 11/11/22
NDMS-ENAV – Navigational Decision Making Series – Best Practice in eNav (3-Day) –
Not currently scheduled
NSAP-MMP – Navigational Skills Assessment Program-MM&P (2-Day) – 2/1/22,
3/28/22*, 5/3/22*, 5/5/22, 6/27/22, 6/29/22, 7/18/22
PSC – Personal Survival Craft (5-Day) – Contact Admissions
PSC-REF – Personal Survival Craft Refresher (2-Day) – 4/24/22, 10/3/22
RFPNW – Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (3-day) – Not currently
ROR-1 – Radar Observer Renewal (1-Day): 1/31/22
ROR-1N – Radar Observer Renewal Evening Classes (1-Night): 4/26/22, 4/29/22,
9/20/22, 9/28/22
ROU-OIC – Radar Observer Program – Unlimited: 3/7/22, 6/20/22, 8/29/22
SAR – Search & Rescue – (Now with OIC and CMM assessments) (3-Day): 3/3/22
SHS-BAS-OIC – Basic Shiphandling: 2/28/22, 4/25/22, 9/12/22, 12/5/22
SHS-EMR5 – Emergency Shiphandling (5 Day) – 2/7/22, 4/4/22, 6/20/22, 8/22/22,
STB-OIC – Ship Construction and Basic Stability: 2/14/22
TCNAV/CO – Terrestrial Navigation and Compasses (15-Day): 1/24/22
TPIC – Tankerman Person in Charge: 3/7/22, 5/9/22, 7/11/22
TRAC-TUG-2 (2-Day): 3/14/22, 5/26/22, 11/16/22
TTT – ** This course is NOT covered by the MATES Program ** — 1/24/22
VPDSD – Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties (1-Day): 3/3/22, 6/23/22
VSO – Vessel Security Officer (3-Day): 2/28/22, 6/22/22, 9/7/22
WKP-OIC – Watchkeeping (Operational Level) (10-Day): 2/7/22
WX-OIC –Meteorology (Operational Level): 2/21/22
Winter 2022
Please also see our schedule and enroll online at www.mitags.org
For registration contact our admissions department: 866.656.5568 or
January 2022
31-4 Basic Meteorology
February 2022
7-11 Medical Care Provider
10th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation
11-12 Basic Training Revalidation
14-18 Basic Cargo Handling & Stowage
14-18 Engine Resource Management
21-25 MEECE
21-25 Basic Shiphandling
March 2022
2nd Flashing Light
3rd Leadership & Teamworking Skills
7-11 Radar Observer Unlimited
9-11 Rating Forming Part of a Navigation Watch
14-18 Ship Construction and Basic Stability
15-19 Basic Training
21-25 Able Seaman
21-1 Watchkeeping (Operational Level)
24th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation
25-26 Basic Training Revalidation
The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly is the official electronic newsletter of the International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots, 700 Maritime Blvd. Suite B, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090-1953. Phone: 410-850-8700; Fax: 410-850-0973. All rights reserved. The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly©2021. Articles can be reprinted without prior permission if credit is given to The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly. For subscriptions, address changes or messages to the editor or to MM&P headquarters, e-mail communications@bridgedeck.org. Back issues of The Weekly are posted on www.bridgedeck.org