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MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly

Volume 29… Number 49, December 5, 2023


In This Issue:

Mark Your Calendar:

Attention All Mariners:

Job Opportunities:



Major maritime industry players are calling on “all countries with influence in the region” to do everything possible to halt the wave of attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

“These attacks must stop immediately, and the innocent seafarers [held hostage in Yemen must be] released,” the International Federation of Shipmasters’ Associations and the International Chamber of Shipping said in a joint statement delivered to the International Maritime Organization Assembly on Dec. 4.

Statements by non-governmental organizations are generally not allowed at the IMO Assembly, but an exception was made for the statement delivered by IFSMA and the ICS.

The two called the attacks by paramilitary forces in Yemen “a flagrant breach of international law and maritime norms against vessels conducting their right of freedom of navigation and innocent passage.”

“Commercial ships’ self-protection measures against a well-armed and capable antagonist can only go so far,” they added, “and we firmly believe that the well-developed maritime security architecture in the region should be brought to bear to ensure that no other ships and crews fall victim to such aggression.”

Three merchant ships were hit in the Red Sea Sunday by ballistic missiles fired by Houthi rebels, while the crew of the Navy destroyer USS CARNEY shot down three drones in self-defense during what the U.S. military described as an hours long assault.

The U.S. has vowed to “consider all appropriate responses” in the wake of the attacks, specifically calling out Iran.

“These attacks represent a direct threat to international commerce and maritime security,” U.S. Central Command said in a statement.

“They have jeopardized the lives of international crews representing multiple countries around the world.”

“We have every reason to believe that these attacks, while launched by the Houthis in Yemen, are fully enabled by Iran.”

The IFSMA and ICS delegation was the first to speak at the Assembly. The statement was supported by the IMO Secretary-General, as well as by the U.S. and other countries.

MM&P is a member of the International Federation of Shipmasters’ Associations, which represents the interests of the world’s serving shipmasters at international forums such as the International Maritime Organization and the International Labor Organization.
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An additional $220 million in federal funds has been made available to ferry systems nationwide, the Biden administration said on Nov. 30.

This is the second massive infusion of funds into the ferry system made possible by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

It brings the total investment for fiscal year 2023 in ferry service and ferry infrastructure to over $604 million.

The new grants are aimed at expanding and improving the nation’s ferry service and accelerating the adoption of low- and zero-emission transportation technology.

Their main focus is growing and upgrading ferry services and shoreside infrastructure in rural communities.

Twelve ferry operators in locations including Alaska, Washington, California, and New York will receive the grants.

The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority, which employs members of the MM&P United Inland Group–Pacific Maritime Region through its contract with Blue and Gold Fleet, will be granted a significant tranche of funds to pay for retrofitting two ferry floats in Alameda and San Francisco with battery energy storage systems.

The New York City Department of Transportation will receive nearly $7.5 million to construct shoreside terminal infrastructure for the rapid charging of vessels.

Officials have highlighted that the new charging system will result in reduced emissions, decreased maintenance costs, and improved reliability for commuters.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg emphasized the significance of ferries in enabling communities to access jobs, medical care, and essential goods and services.

“With these grants from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, we will be able to connect more people to the opportunities and resources they need to thrive even when their main route is a waterway rather than a road,” he said.

The administration says that by the end of 2024, President Biden will have secured record funding of $825 million for ferry service and ferry infrastructure.

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Labor unions that represent the civilians who provide logistical and operational support to the Royal Navy are asking their members to authorize a strike.

The civilian mariners and their ships—supply vessels, support vessels, and tankers—are operated by the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, the logistics arm of the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines.

Nautilus International, which represents the officers, said last week that it would issue a strike authorization ballot on Dec. 6.

The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers, which represents an additional 500 Royal Fleet Auxiliary workers, issued a strike authorization ballot in mid-October.

Both unions have been engaged in arbitration with management over wages, with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary offering a 4.5 percent increase to compensate workers who have faced annual inflation rates as high as 10 percent in recent years.

Nautilus said in a statement last week that a strike vote was the only remaining option.

“Industrial action at the RFA will cause significant disruption and severely limit the UK’s naval capacity,” said Nautilus Head of Recruitment and Membership Derek Byrne.

But “Nautilus members have clearly indicated their frustration at the latest offer of 4.5 percent, concluding it does nothing to repair the damage done since 2010.”

Between 2010 and October 2023, the Consumer Price Index in the UK has increased by approximately 40 percent.

“Over a decade of pay restraint leading to significant real-term pay cuts has led to systemic barriers for the Royal Auxiliary Force to retain and recruit maritime professionals,” he added

“This has, in turn, led to widespread poor morale across the workforce.”

The unions are calling for a pay increase that reflects the impact of years of inflation on their members’ take-home pay.

They contend that employees of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary are consistently paid less than members of the armed forces, the police, firefighters, and ambulance personnel.
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Check out the new Labor 411 holiday gift guide: it’s a powerful tool to create a better America because it serves as an easy reference to help you find ethical brands quickly.

A dollar spent on ethical brands is a vote for more resources for ethical companies to grow—and to hire more workers at fair wages.

The new Labor 411 holiday shopping guide features a wide range of gifts, from board games to cookware, from libations to cars, from tires to tools… and much, much more.

You can find something in it for everyone and be secure in the knowledge that your dollars are going to companies that treat their workers well.

P.S. After the holidays are over, don’t support the Elon Musk’s and Jeff Bezos’s of the world. Shop Union Made throughout the year with the easy-to-use Labor 411 listing of ethical consumer products by region.

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The Plan Office received approval to close the year-end Internal Revenue Service and company reports and to process Vacation and PRO payments for 2023 no later than Monday, Dec. 18, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. EST.

All requests for 2023 Vacation and PRO payments received after this date and time will be held until Jan. 3, 2024, for processing and will therefore be taxable in 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact the Vacation Department at 410-850-8625 or Ken Ryan at 410-850-8617.

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The Atlantic Maritime Group has a regularly scheduled membership meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 6, from 1100 hours to 1300 hours.

This will be a hybrid meeting: both online and in person, for members in good standing ONLY.

To obtain the code needed to participate electronically, please touch base by Monday, Dec. 4, at 1500 with AMG Representative Paulina Czernek (pczernek@bridgedeck.org).

The in-person meeting will be held at the NY/NJ MM&P Union Hall, 570 Broad Street, Ste. 701, Newark, NJ.

It will be taking place the day after the MM&P Holiday Party, which will be held on Dec. 5 at 1200 hours.

To RSVP for the NY/NJ holiday party, you must call 201-963-1900 by Nov. 20.
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MM&P is preparing to welcome the holiday season with parties in the union halls.

You must RSVP by emailing or calling the hall if you are planning to attend so there is an accurate headcount for food orders.

— Boston—12/7 @ 12:00 pm (Union Hall) RSVP by November 30th

— LA/LB—12/12 @ Party starts right after the 11:00 am job call (Union Hall) RSVP by December 5th for Offshore to wkarnes@bridgedeck.org or phone 310-834-7201 and for PMR to aamalfitano@bridgedeck.org or phone 310-766-9731

— Charleston—12/12 @ 11:30 am (Kickin’ Chicken) RSVP by December 5th

— Norfolk—12/14 @ 12:00 pm (Dockside Seafood) RSVP by November 7th

— Miami/PEV—12/15 @ 12:00 pm (Umberto’s) RSVP by December 8th

— Houston—12/15 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm (Whiskey Cake at Baybrook) RSVP by December 8th

— Honolulu—12/19 @ 11:00 am (Union Hall) RSVP by December 12th
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The MM&P United Inland Group has jobs available with Grand River Navigation, Weeks Marine, Cetacean Marine, and Key Lakes.

At Grand River Navigation on the Great Lakes, there are:

— licensed deck jobs for those with Great Lakes pilotage;

— jobs for open water mates with a Towing Officer Assessment Record (TOAR);

— licensed engineering jobs.

GRN now offers a signing/retention bonus of $3,000 to all mates and assistant engineers who complete the 2023 sailing season and return for the 2024 sailing season.

At Cetacean Marine, there are licensed and unlicensed engineering jobs.

At Weeks Marine, there are licensed and unlicensed engineering jobs aboard their growing fleet of dredges.

WMI is offering a $3,000 new hire sign-on bonus. It is payable in three payments of $1,000 each, the first $1,000 after the successful completion of the second hitch, the second $1,000 upon successful completion of the third hitch, and $1,000 upon successful completion of the fourth hitch.

Cross-shipping rights for Offshore applicants/members are available for licensed personnel, with sea time and points counting towards upgrading Offshore membership.

Key Lakes is looking for a mate with Great Lakes pilotage and an open-water mate.

The regular relief is for 30 days but could be modified if mutually agreed on.

These are long-term, permanent jobs.

For more information, go to the Jobs page on bridgedeck.org.

If you are interested, please contact UIG Vice President Tom Bell (tbell@bridgedeck.org or 216-776-1667) with any questions.
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CM needed for HAINA PATRIOT.

Positions available aboard Patriot LMSR’s at all levels including new vessels SEAY and PILILAAU.

Members and applicants who are interested in MSC training, please sign up with MITAGS and for those who do not qualify for training benefits yet, please email Jeremy Hope, VP Gulf and Gov’t Contracts at jhope@bridgedeck.org with the subject line MSC TRAINING.

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There are openings for engineers in the MM&P Offshore fleet and the Great Lakes & Gulf Region.

For engineering jobs in the Offshore Group, contact Atlantic Ports Vice President Tom Larkin, tlarkin@bridgedeck.org, or 201-963-1900.

For engineering jobs on the Lakes, contact MM&P Great Lakes & Gulf Region Vice President Tom Bell, tbell@bridgedeck.org, or (216) 776-1667.
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For registration contact our Admissions Department: 866.656.5568 or admissions@mitags.org

Classes are 5-day unless otherwise noted

Class dates followed by an * are full
AB – Able Seaman (5-Day): 01/22/24, 01/29/24

AIS-1 – Automatic Identifications Systems Orientation (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

ARPA-OIC– Automated Radar Plotting Aids (4-Day): 02/05/24, 03/04/24

AZIPOD (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

BRM – Bridge Resource Management (5-Day): Not currently scheduled

BRMP –Bridge Resource Management for Pilots (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

BRMP-EMR –Bridge Resource Management for Pilots with Emergency Shiphandling – (Now also included in BRMP-Refresher) (3-Day): Not currently scheduled

BRMP-Refresher (Now including Emergency Shiphandling for Pilots) (3-Day): Not currently scheduled

BT – Basic Safety Training (5-Day): 01/15/24, 02/12/24

BT-Revalidation (2-day) (Must have 1 year of sea service in last 5 years): 01/29/24, 03/11/24

BT-Refresher (3-day): 01/29/24

CHS-OIC – Cargo Handling Basic (5-Day): 04/15/24

[CMM – Chief Mate and Master Courses]

ADVSTB-CMM – Advanced Stability (5-Day): 12/18/23, 01/29/24, 04/29/24, 06/24/24

ADVWX-CMM – Advanced Meteorology (5-Day): 12/11/23, 01/22/24, 04/22/24, 06/17/24

CHS-CMM – Advanced Cargo Operations (10 Days): 02/05/24

CM-OPS 1 – Chief Mate Operations (5-Day): 02/26/24

CM-OPS 2 Maersk – Chief Mate Operations II Maersk Specific (5-Day): 03/04/24

CM-OPS 2 APL – Chief Mate Operations II APL Specific (5-Day): Not currently scheduled

ECDIS – Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (5-Day): 12/11/23, 03/11/24

LMS – Leadership and Managerial Skills (Management Level – Formerly MCL-CMM) (5-Day): 03/18/24

MPP-CMM – Marine Propulsion Plants (5-Day): 03/11/24

(DCS-1 available on request – contact Admissions)

SHMGT-CMM- Ship Management (5-Day): 02/26/24

SHS-ADV-I-CMM – Advanced Shiphandling (week 1) (5-Day): 01/08/24*, 02/12/24, 04/08/24*, 05/06/24, 06/03/24

SHS-ADV-II-CMM – Advanced Shiphandling (week 2) (5-Day): 01/15/24*, 02/19/24, 04/15/24*, 05/13/24, 06/10/24

**SHS-ADV-I & II are now approved to include SAR-CMM assessments at MITAGS**

VPEN-CMM – Voyage Planning & Electronic Navigation (5-Day): 02/19/24

WKP-CMM – Advanced Watchkeeping (5-Day): 03/18/24

WX-HW-ATL – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Atlantic Ocean (2-day) – Not Currently Scheduled

WX-HW-IND – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Indian Ocean (2-day) – Not Currently Scheduled

WX-HW-PAC – Heavy Weather Avoidance Routing: Pacific Ocean (2-day) –01/27/24

CIW-DPA/IA – Continual Improvement Workshop: Designated Person Ashore & Internal Auditor (3-Day) ** This course is NOT covered by the MATES Program **

Online: Not Currently Scheduled

CIW-SMS – Continual Improvement Workshop: Successful Safety Management (2-Day) – Online: Not Currently Scheduled

CNAV-OIC– Celestial Navigation (15-Day): 05/06/24

CRISIS-COMMS – Crisis Communications (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

CRSMGT – Crisis Management and Human Behavior (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

CDMGT – Crowd Management (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

CSE – Confined Space Entry (3-Day): Not currently scheduled

CSE-AWR – Confined Space Entry Awareness (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

DDE – Great Lakes (20-Day): 02/05/24

ECDIS for Pilots (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

ERM – Engine Resource Management (5-Day): Not currently scheduled

ADV-FF – Advanced Fire-Fighting (4-day): 02/19/24, 03/24/24

FF-BADV – Fire Fighting Combined Basic & Advanced (5-Day): Not currently scheduled

FF-ADV-Rev (1-day) (Must have 1 year of sea service in last 5 years) – Advanced Fire Fighting Revalidation: 01/31/24, 03/13/24

FF-ADV-REF (2-day) – Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher: 02/01/24

FSM – Fatigue, Sleep, & Medications (1-Day): Not currently scheduled

Online: Not currently scheduled

GL-Pilot – Great Lakes Pilotage Familiarization (2-Day): 02/02/24

GMDSS – Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (10-Day): 01/15/24

HAZ – Hazardous Materials (5 day): Not Currently Scheduled

LAP – License Advancement Program for Mate to Master (20-Day): 03/04/24

LAP-Great Lakes – License Advancement Program – Great Lakes (15-Day): 02/05/24

LAP-ORG3rd – License Advancement Program for Original 3rd Mate, Oceans, Any Gross

Ton License (15-Day): 06/03/24

LEG – Legal Aspects of Pilotage (1-Day): Not Currently Scheduled

LNG-BADV – Basic and Advanced IGF Code Operations (3 Day): 01/08/24*, 02/12/24*, 03/11/24*

LTS –Leadership and Teamworking Skills (Formerly MCL-OIC) (1-Day): 04/04/24

MEECE – Management of Electrical and Electronic Control Equipment (Assessments not included): Not Currently Scheduled

MED-PIC – Medical Person in Charge (10-Day): 01/08/24, 04/01/24, 05/13/24, 08/19/24, 09/30/24

MED-PIC-REF– Medical Person in Charge Refresher: 01/22/24, 03/18/24, 05/26/24, 07/29/24, 11/18/24

MED-PRO – Medical Care Provider: (5-Day): 01/08/24, 04/01/24, 05/13/24, 07/08/24, 08/19/24

MED-DOT-DA – Dept. of Transportation Drug & Alcohol Testing (1-Day): 12/09/23, 01/13/24, 01/27/24, 03/14/24, 03/23/24, 04/06/24, 05/05/24, 05/18/24

[MSC – Military Sealift Command Courses]

MSC-CBRD-1 – Military Sealift Command Chemical, Biological, Radiological Defense Orientation (Basic) (1-Day): 02/29/24, 05/09/24, 06/07/24, 08/08/24, 09/12/24, 10/31/24

MSC-DC – Military Sealift Command Damage Control (2-day): 03/01/24, 05/10/24, 06/07/24, 08/09/24, 09/13/24, 11/01/24

MSC-ENVPRO (1-Day – Evening Class): 03/01/24, 05/10/24, 06/07/24, 08/09/24, 09/13/24, 11/01/24

MSC-FF-HELO (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

MSC-SMA – Military Sealift Command Small Arms Qualifications (4-Day): 01/08/24, 03/04/24, 05/13/24, 06/10/24, 07/15/24, 08/12/24, 09/16/24, 11/04/24

MSC-Security Watch Basic (1-Day/ 8-hour): 03/02/24, 05/11/24, 06/08/24, 08/10/24, 09/14/24, 11/02/24

MSC-Security Watch Advanced (1-Day): 01/07/24, 03/03/24, 05/12/24, 06/09/24, 07/14/24, 08/11/24, 09/15/24, 11/03/24

MSC-Ship’s Reaction Force (3-Day): 01/12/24, 03/08/24, 05/17/24, 06/14/24, 07/19/24, 08/16/24, 09/20/24, 11/08/24

NDMS-ENAV – Navigational Decision Making Series – Best Practice in eNav (3-Day): Not currently scheduled

NSAP-MMP – Navigational Skills Assessment Program-MM&P (2-Day): 01/22/24*, 01/24/24*, 05/13/24, 05/15/24

PSC – Personal Survival Craft (Lifeboatman) (5-Day): 01/29/24, 02/05/24

PSC-REF – Personal Survival Craft Refresher (2-Day): 01/25/24

RFPNW – Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch (3-day): 01/10/24

ROR-1 – Radar Observer Renewal (1-Day): Not Currently Scheduled

ROR-1N – Radar Observer Renewal Evening Classes (1-Night): 01/31/24

ROU-OIC – Radar Observer Program – Unlimited: 01/29/24, 02/26/24

SAR – Search & Rescue – (Now with OIC and CMM assessments) (3-Day): 04/01/24

SHS-BAS-OIC – Basic Shiphandling: 04/29/24

SHS-EMR5 – Emergency Shiphandling (5 Day): 03/04/24

STB-OIC – Ship Construction and Basic Stability: 04/05/24

TCNAV/CO – Terrestrial Navigation and Compasses (15-Day): 02/05/24

TPIC – Tankerman Person in Charge: 01/29/24, 03/04/24

TRAC-TUG-2 (2-Day): Not currently scheduled

TTT – ** NOT covered by the MATES Program **: Not Currently Scheduled

VPDSD – Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties: Not Currently Scheduled

VSO – Vessel Security Officer (3-Day): 02/19/24

WKP-OIC – Watchkeeping (Operational Level) (10-Day): 03/18/24

WX-OIC –Meteorology (Operational Level): 04/22/24
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You can enroll online at www.mitags.org or contact our Admissions Department 866.656.5568 or admissions@mitags.org

December 2023

7-8 Advanced Firefighting Refresher

9-10 Basic Training Revalidation

9-11 Basic Training Refresher

11th Radar Renewal

11th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation

11-15 Basic Training

January 2024

8-12 Basic Training

15-18 Advanced Firefighting

22-26 Leadership & Managerial Skills

29-30 Basic Training Revalidation

29-31 Security Officer – Vessel, Company & Facility

29-2 Medical Care Provider

29-9 Medical Person-In-Charge

31st Advanced Firefighting Revalidation

February 2024

5-23 Celestial Navigation


19-23 Basic Training

19-1 GMDSS

19-23 Advanced Shiphandling I

26-27 Basic Training Revalidation

26-1 Advanced Shiphandling II

26-1 Able Seaman

28th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation

March 2024

4-8 Meteorology – Operational Level

4-8 Advanced Stability


14th Flashing Light Assessment

18-22 Basic Training

25-26 Basic Training Revalidation

25-29 Able Seaman

27th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation

April 2024

1-4 Advanced Firefighting

8-12 ECDIS

22-23 Basic Training Revalidation

24th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation

May 2024

6-10 Basic Training

13-17 Medical Care Provider

13-24 Medical Person-In-Charge

20-22 Security Officer – Vessel, Company & Facility

30-31 Advanced Firefighting Refresher

June 2024

1-2 Basic Training Revalidation

1-3 Basic Training Refresher

3rd Advanced Firefighting Revalidation

3-7 Basic Training

3-21 Terrestrial & Coastal Navigation

24-25 Basic Training Revalidation

26th Advanced Firefighting Revalidation
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The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly is the official electronic newsletter of the International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots, 700 Maritime Blvd., Suite B, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090-1953. Phone: 410-850-8700; Fax: 410-850-0973. All rights reserved. The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly©2023. Articles can be reprinted without prior permission if credit is given to The MM&P Wheelhouse Weekly.

For subscriptions, address changes or messages to the editor, send an email to communications@bridgedeck.org.