MITAGS Programs
Complete all your maritime training, from Entry to Master in one place at MITAGS.
Whether you are just getting started in the maritime industry or are well on your way to a Captain’s License, we have a training program that will take you to the next level. The Maritime Institute provides comprehensive maritime training that is focused on your success far beyond the classroom.

Mate to Master Program
This STCW-2010 training program is designed for the experienced officer in charge of a navigational watch (Second & Third Officers) who is ready to upgrade to Mate / Master management level. This complete program offers all the mandatory and optional training and assessment requirements to upgrade to the management level Chief Officer/Mate.

AB to MATE Program
This program is designed for able seafarers that have 1080 days of sea service. It will provide all of the STCW-2010 training requirements needed to attain an STCW Officer In Charge of a Navigation Watch (OICNW) and a USCG Third Mate Oceans or Near Coastal License. Optional courses are available to attain endorsements for Tankerman Person In Charge (TPIC), Medical Person In Charge (Med-PIC) and other endorsements for candidates with the requisite sea service. Completion of the program will provide students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to take on the duties and responsibilities of a Mate.

Military Sealift Command (MSC)
MITAGS offers courses that are certified by the Military Sealift Command (MSC). These programs have been specifically developed to satisfy the training requirements for contract mariners aboard LMSR (Large, Medium Speed, Roll-On/Roll-Off) vessels and others, which are critical components of the United States strategic sealift capability.

Maritime Apprenticeship Program
Used to develop high-quality mariner, the MITAGS Maritime Apprenticeship Program (MAP) provides all of the maritime training and support necessary to obtain a Mate’s license. More importantly, the program instills the knowledge, skills, and confidence to take on the duties and responsibilities of a Deck Officer.

Navigational Skills Assessment Program (NSAP)®
The Navigation Skills Assessment Program (NSAP)® is a risk-based measurement tool to assess a mariner’s performance in the simulator, focused specifically on the core skills required of licensed deck officers as defined by international standards and industry best practices. Each NSAP® session uses realistic scenario-based exercises geared toward each company’s operation and is assessed by trained and qualified subject matter experts. At the conclusion of the session the participant is debriefed by the assessor/facilitator. The debrief provides an opportunity for the participant to discuss his/her performance with the facilitator and for the facilitator to provide guidance to improve and enhance the participant’s navigational skills.