Membership Group Highlights
GRN Fit Out Crew for MV SAM LAUD
Tom Bell, MM&P VP Great Lakes & Gulf, sent us this picture from Toledo, Ohio: Grand River Navigation fit out crew for the MV SAM LAUD, (left to right) Captain Roger Rykman, Frank Leal, Dan Jasmund, Mike Mullen, Khayman Bacon, Dan Landry, Dan Roose, Liam Kilcoyne (green hat), and Nick Marchion.
Great Lakes LAP Course – Record Number of Participants
This year, the Great Lakes License Advancement Program recorded the highest number of participants ever, says instructor Chris Edyvean. The average class size is four to six, but this time, there were 12 mariners in attendance. The license type breakdown was typical he said, ranging from Original 1600-Ton Mate to Original Great Lakes Mate Any […]
CHIMACUM Captain Hails Crew for Rescue
The crew of the Washington State Ferry MV Chimacum rescued a woman who had gone overboard on Thanksgiving Day while the vessel was on its regular run from Bremerton to Seattle. There was no information on how the passenger ended up in the water. When she was spotted off Duwamish Head near West Seattle, the […]
New U.S. Coast Guard cutter heading to work Great Lakes
News from Michigan Live which writes: LAKE SUPERIOR – More than a year after it arrived at the U.S. Coast Guard Yard in Baltimore for a scheduled maintenance overhaul to prep it for its Great Lakes assignment, the 225-foot cutter Spar is on its way to its new home port in Lake Superior. Below is […]
Great Lakes LAP Class at MITAGS
Great Lakes LAP class at MITAGS image, sent from Tom Bell – MM&P VP Great Lakes & Gulf Region. L to R: Instructor Chris Edyvean, Jack Brandenburg (Interlake), Dan Jasmund, Shawn Hayes, Pat Joyce (Interlake), Rob Cardinal, Nate Chesebro (Interlake), Ken Houseal (GLF), Alex Weber (Interlake), Mike Haynes (Interlake), Matt Stoltzmann (Interlake), Keene Weekley (GLF), […]
ISMA Convention – Cleveland
Another great image from the International Ship Masters Convention in Cleveland last week. MM&P retired, Captain Ron Brzezinski (seated left foreground), Captain Robert Lund, MM&P member with City of Chicago – fireboat, and Tom Bell (seated right), MM&P VP-Great Lakes & Gulf Region.