Upcoming Events
Women’s Caucus Meeting Dates 2023
Meeting Dates for Women’s Causus – 2023 Join Our Next Meeting The Women’s Caucus Committee meets at regular intervals throughout the year to share information and move our mission forward. Email womenscaucus@bridgedeck.org if you are interested in joining and want to be sent a meeting link. The meetings are typically held at 1000PST/1300EST. Upcoming Meeting Dates in 2023 are: March 07 […]

On International Day for Women in Maritime, Chief Mate Cassandra Clark and 2nd Mate Katelyn Hart are hard at work on MAERSK COLUMBUS in Duqm, Oman. The vessel is currently at Oman Drydock Company (ODC) for shipyard maintenance and drydocking. The two of them are playing key roles in smooth operation, inspection, repair and safety […]