Oct 3, 2023 | Federal Employee Membership Group NEWS Highlights, News
The crew of USACE YAQUINA saved a woman who had been swept into the Columbia River on Aug. 24. “YAQUINA responded to a person in the water struggling to stay afloat and crying for help,” reported Captain Jane E. Favors. “The crew deployed the fast rescue boat, pulled...
Aug 8, 2023 | Federal Employee Membership Group NEWS Highlights, Membership Groups NEWS Highlights, News
Loan Repayment Program for CIVMARS Under certain conditions, MSC will pay off, or the US will forgive, $10,000 annually or a lifetime total of $60,000 in certain education loans for certain CIVMARS it employs full-time. To find out more, click...
May 24, 2023 | Federal Employee Membership Group NEWS Highlights, News
Congratulations to Captain Gommo and his crew of the USNS YUMA. The letter read, in part: Congratulations on winning the CY22 Military Sealift Command Maritime Excellence Award. Your ship and crew’s recognition with this award is a direct reflection of your...
Feb 17, 2022 | Federal Employee Membership Group NEWS Highlights
Another image shared by Captain Wilbur Dahn III, USNS SISLER – Transit in Hammernesodden Norway – photo by Steve Drexler, MSCEURAF OSO Reserve Affairs.
Feb 17, 2022 | Federal Employee Membership Group NEWS Highlights
This great winter image was shared by Captain Wilbur Dahn III, USNS SISLER, who included a note about the conditions in Hammernesodden Norway – the Fjord is starting to ice up, but not bad.
Feb 15, 2022 | Federal Employee Membership Group NEWS Highlights
Thank you for allowing us to share this video clip, Captain Streeper! The video is taken aboard the USNS MEDGAR EVERS (T-AKE-13) during an underway replenishment with the USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH....